Which influence economic policies of developing countries

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133289221


Choose one statement below and write a position essay on the chosen one

•Unsound economic policies contribute to the widening gap between the rich and the poor.

•The economy is designed and structured to favor the elites and business tycoons.

•Infrastructure investments are not benefiting the poor or those in the grassroots. Instead, they give more opportunities for private corporations to travel their goods and products conveniently to the far-flung communities.

•Social services shouldn't be seen as a marketable thing. They are rights everybody should have access to.

•Transnational corporations shape global rules which also largely influence economic policies of developing countries.

•Globalization intensifies capitalism, making more opportunities for private and transnational corporations to control free market trade.

•While countries definitely have gains from globalization, there are still those who are on the losing end. Individuals whose skills are no longer valued including those who are digitally illiterate seem to have little to no gains from this global phenomenon.

•Economic policies mainly drive globalization. Thus, the degree of globalization is always a political thing.

Reference no: EM133289221

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