Which industries are easiest for small a business to enter

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133100514

1. Which industries are easiest for small a business to enter? Which are hardest? Why?.

2. What are the basic forms of noncorporate business ownership? What are the key advantages and disadvantages?

Reference no: EM133100514

Questions Cloud

Different theories about leadership with examples : Briefly explain three different theories about leadership with examples.
Keeping organizational culture : How can top management help in keeping organizational culture alive? Word limit -minimum 300 words per question
Explain organizational change management : Explain organizational change management? Word limit- minimum 300 words per question
Write three environmental factors : Your friend plans to open a store that sells cigarettes and cigars.
Which industries are easiest for small a business to enter : 1. Which industries are easiest for small a business to enter? Which are hardest? Why?
Effect on the business viability : Your friend has a plan of starting her own business. "A service to check on and help seniors who live alone in their homes." Write three environmental factors t
Write three environmental factors : Your friend has a plan of starting her own business. "A service to check on and help seniors who live alone in their homes."
How many vats of each type of kimchi should Kim produce : The profit for a cask of Extra is $10,500. How many vats of each type of kimchi should Kim produce in order to maximize their profits
Basics of operating a personal computer : Your friend is excited by the idea of starting her own business "A service to teach people the basics of operating a personal computer".


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