Which ideas make the most sense and why

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Reference no: EM133555336

Discussion Post: The Etiology, Pathophysiology of the Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal & Parathyroid Glands

Consider what you've learned about the topic you presented.

Question 1) How does this topic relate to something you might see in clinical practice?
Question 2) Which ideas make the most sense and why?
Question 3) How does this topic to current events?
Question 4) What might make this problem more treatable?

Reference no: EM133555336

Questions Cloud

What were the most important concepts you learned : What were the most important concepts you learned? How will they prepare you for your future role as a master's prepared nurse?
What was a borderland compare the roles the french, dutch : What was a borderland? Compare the roles the French, Dutch, and Indians played in the borderlands of North America. In the seventeenth century
Describe teaching experience and discuss your observation : In 750 to 1,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. Summary of the community teaching plan.
What is your theory for why they did not survive : what is your theory for why they did not survive? Shouldn't they be ruling the world this many years later? Why aren't they?
Which ideas make the most sense and why : Which ideas make the most sense and why? How does this topic to current events? What might make this problem more treatable?
What is advantage and disadvantage of cultural relativism : Enumerate and explain briefly the specific cultural characteristics of Filipinos. What is the advantage and disadvantage of Cultural Relativism?
How it applies to the creation, development, and advancement : which includes a reflection: reflect on what you learned in this module and how it applies to the creation, development, and advancement of HBCUs.
How will the concepts you learned in the class help you : If you had the power to change anything in this class that is assessment related. How will the concepts you learned in this class help you in your career?
What you think the most important factor was in terms : Explain what you think the most important factor was in terms of shifting the colonial mindset towards independence and revolution. What action(s), idea(s)


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