Which historically significant events in canadian history

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133366508

Case Study: Will be writing journal entries from the viewpoints of 3 different stakeholders in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Canada's Indigenous people. could choose a residential school survivor, a Canadian federal politician, and a young person learning about reconciliation. Write final journal entry from your own point of view. However, these are only examples. should choose whichever stakeholders you'd like as long as they have three different perspectives.

will be writing your journal in response to the essential question. Which historically significant events and people in Canadian history indicate the most progress towards, or decline from Truth and Reconciliation for Canada's Indigenous people? Consider what reconciliation means to each stakeholder now and write the journal response from each perspective.

Questions: For your journal entries, you must:

  • Make specific reference to the historical events and/or people that have affected Truth and Reconciliation (Use the information you learned from completing your Annotated Bibliography!)
  • Write in the first person (I, me, my)
  • Fully create character for your reader and develop the narrative to inform and compel the audience to the feelings and opinions of your character.
  • Make each journal entry different, rather than a different slice of the same pie. Utilize all that you have learned and create something of value.

Reference no: EM133366508

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