Which have the potential to result in unethical behavior

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131085259

Question 1. Informed consent generally implies that the person:

a. does not have the capacity to consent.

b. verbally gives consent.

c. has been persuaded or coerced to sign the consent form.

d. has the capacity to consent and has freely, without undue influence expressed consent.

Question 2. ____________ to give informed consent means that the client has the ability to make rational decisions.

a. Comprehension of information

b. Voluntariness

c. Capacity

d. Willingness

Question 3. Written consent forms should not include:

a. a discussion of how a managed care system will affect the treatment, if applicable.

b. a detailed description of what will occur in therapy and a guarantee that the client will resolve their issues.

c. a statement describing the counselor's theoretical orientation and how this will affect treatment.

d. clarification pertaining to fees and charges and procedures for filing for insurance reimbursement.

Question 4. Which of the statements below is true with regard to clients' beliefs about the therapeutic process?

a. Frequently, clients are not aware of their rights and view the process as mysterious.
b. Clients may see their therapist much like they see their doctor and expect the therapist tohave the "correct" opinion or answer.
c. Clients may not realize that the therapist's duty is to help clients find their own answers.
d. All of the above

Question 5. Most ethical codes specify that therapist should:

a. be available to their clients even when they are on vacation.

b. inform clients that their records are inaccessible to them.

c. inform clients that a diagnosis can become a permanent part of their file and have ramifications in terms of cost of insurance, long-term insurability, and employment.

d. alter case notes that are damaging to the client if they are subpoenaed into court.

Question 6. _________ should include a record of client and therapist behavior that is clinically relevant, including interventions used, client responses to treatment strategies, the evolving treatment plan, and any follow-up measures taken.

a. Assessments

b. Progress notes

c. Intakes

d. Screenings

Question 7. Concerning counseling via the Internet, which statement is most accurate?

a. The codes of the major professional organizations offer detailed guidance regarding ethical practices in the use of technology.

b. There are both advantages and disadvantages in using Internet technology to deliver counseling services.

c. Most experts agree that what is being currently offered via Internet counseling is a form of traditional psychotherapy.

d. This form of counseling is not suited to a problem-solving approach.

Question 8. Regarding counseling with children and adolescents, informed consent of parents or guardians may not be legally required when a minor is seeking counseling for:

a. dangerous drugs or narcotics.

b. sexually transmitted diseases.

c. pregnancy and birth control.

d. all of the above

Question 9. The authors have found that when they attend continuing education workshops on ethics in clinical practice, the emphasis is often on

a. legal matters and risk management.
b. ethical aspects of practice.
c. addictions counseling.
d. both b and c

Question 10. The social policy of de-institutionalization, as it applies to mental-health practices, involves the "least restrictive alternative" which requires that:

a. voluntary commitment be sought only after less restrictive alternatives have failed.
b. professionals commit clients who are delusional.
c. practitioners protect themselves from liability by getting a lawyer.
d. treatment be no more harsh, hazardous, or intrusive than necessary to achieve therapeutic aims and protect clients and others from physical harm.

Question 11. The intent of a(n) _____________________ is to define boundaries and clarify the nature of the basic counseling relationship between the counselor and the client.

a. supervision contract
b. informed consent document
c. HIPAA document
d. release of information form

Question 12. Of the following, which is an example of a behavior that might leave a mental health practitioner vulnerable to a malpractice suit?

a. Used a procedure within the realm of accepted professional practice
b. Employed a technique that he or she was not trained to use
c. Used a procedure to which the client did not respond favorably
d. Explained the possible consequences of treatment and the client still wanted to participate in the process

Question 13. To succeed in a malpractice claim, the plaintiff needs to show that a breach of duty did exist in which:

a. the practitioner failed to foresee the client's intention to commit suicide despite warning signs that the client was decompensating.
b. the client failed to get better in spite of reasonable care.
c. there was no professional relationship between therapist and client.
d. the practitioner failed to provide the appropriate standard of care.
e. a and d

Question 14. Disclosures should be given in

a. plain language in a culturally sensitive manner and must be understandable to clients,including minors and people with impaired cognitive functioning.
b. elevated language that will impress consumers and give them confidence in the services they are about to receive.
c. writing, which makes it unnecessary to discuss informed consent during sessions.
d. several languages since we live in a multicultural society

Question 15. Joyce was hospitalized as a result of an attempted suicide. She tried to call her therapist before taking an overdose of pills, but he could not be reached because he was on vacation and did not make provisions for a replacement therapist while he was gone. This action constitutes the following :

a. misdiagnosis.
b. client abandonment.
c. vicarious liability.
d. practicing beyond the scope of competency

Question 16. Inappropriate socialization with clients, burdening clients with a counselor's personal problems, and putting clients in awkward business situations are examples of:

a. inappropriate crisis intervention.
b. established therapeutic practices.
c. inappropriate boundaries.
d. seeking balance in the counseling relationship.

Question 17. Which of the following would be least likely to lead to a malpractice suit?

a. Failure to obtain or document informed consent
b. Practicing beyond the scope of competency
c. Unhealthy transference relationships
d. Engaging in a bartering arrangement with a client

Question 18. The following is a safeguard against malpractice accusations:

a. giving free sessions until the client is able to pay.
b. never engaging in bartering under any circumstances.
c. avoiding a client's perception of abandonment by not taking time off.
d. practicing in specific areas where you are competent.

Question 19. In the event that a practitioner is sued he or she should:

a. try to resolve the matter directly with the client.
b. destroy or alter files or reports that may be incriminating.
c. enter into personal therapy.
d. promptly retain an attorney

Question 20. ______________ can best be viewed as an ongoing process aimed at increasing the range of choices and the responsibility of the client as an active therapeutic partner.

a. Diagnosis
b. Informed consent
c. Documentation
d. Case consultations

Question 21. _________________________ are essentially the same as psychotherapy notes. They address the client's transference reactions and the therapist's subjective impressions of the client.

a. Process notes
b. Progress notes
c. Diagnostic notes
d. Treatment summary

Question 22. Managed care contracts often have

a. "gag clauses" that prohibit practitioners from sharing any negative information about managed care policies.
b. policies that are inappropriate when applied to health care
c. policies that can be viewed as a restriction of client advocacy and as a measure of intimidation.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 23. Fran has decided to start an online counseling practice. Which of the following have the potential to result in unethical behavior?

a. Accepting psychotic/seriously disturbed individuals as clients
b. Charging fees that may not be covered by insurance companies
c. Providing inaccurate diagnoses due to lack of behavioral clues
d. Promising confidentiality and privacy
e. All of the above

Question 24. Elena, your client of two years, has just received the news that she is losing her insurance coverage; however, she recently had a breakthrough in therapy and needs to continue working on her issues. As an ethical therapist, you should

a. refer her to a community mental health center where she can get services at a low cost.
b. determine new payment terms so that Elena can continue working with you.
c. terminate therapy and give Elena some good book references so she can work through her issues on her own.
d. terminate therapy and encourage Elena to look in the Yellow Pages for a new therapist whowill accept a sliding scale arrangement

Question 25. Samuel has been planning a two week vacation to Europe for months. He is a private practitioner and has a caseload of clients who have dependency issues. As an ethical practitioner, Samuel should

a. not inform his clients until a few days before he leaves.
b. not go on vacation so as to not increase his clients' anxiety levels.
c. provide his clients with another therapist in case of need.
d. bring back a souvenir for each client to show them how important they are to him

Reference no: EM131085259

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