Which gaba generates postsynaptic potentials

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133516959


Jane is a young female university student who is prescribed 'Valium' (diazepam) when she goes to see her doctor about some recent anxiety attacks that she has experienced. However, Jane finds that she has very marked drowsiness as a side effect of the Valium and is regularly going to sleep in her lectures. Diazepam is a drug that enhances the activity of GABA at GABAA receptors in the brain.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and it mediates direct synaptic neurotransmission when it acts on GABAA receptors.

A) Describe the process by which GABA generates postsynaptic potentials after its release from the GABAergic neurons, including the receptor family to which the GABAA receptors belong.

Reference no: EM133516959

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