Which framework of corporate governance code

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Reference no: EM133576769


• Main instruction of strategy : Continues Questioning, analyzing and problem solving
• Use vocabulary of the theory (agent , principle ,shareholder value, principle agent relation, utility maximizers )
• Competitive advantage means the firm somehow is better than the competitors, it focus in three ingredients Environment , Firm and strategy
• "Agency theory and shareholder value"
• Providing arguments and assumptions
• Providing evidence and data/information about the firm
• The price of the share on stock exchange either expectation of future profit of the firm or amount of risk and high profit in the stock market's favorite
• Return of investor/ shareholder and the annual dividend increase in the share price so the firm in profit or risk
• The contract between the shareholders and managers should be away from the interest
• Employment and remuneration of the top team
• To solve the issue putting the contracts in place along with the interest of shareholders as principle with the interest of the top team as agents.


1. Who the shareholders are?

2. What they expect from the firm with regard to providing a return on investment?

3. Are they in it for long- term or short -term?

4. Are they high risk or low risk investors?

5. Did they invest in the firm for its steady annual dividend or speculators banking on steep increase of the share price?

6. What is the current share price and how this compare with peers?

7. Whether the share price is where it should be or not can be developed by valuation?

8. Whether the share price is on par with what it should be depends on how well the firm as a nexus of contracts?

9. Which framework of corporate governance code?

Reference no: EM133576769

Questions Cloud

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Which framework of corporate governance code : What they expect from the firm with regard to providing a return on investment and Did they invest in the firm for its steady annual dividend or speculators
What was the title of that work : Frederick the Great's first military work, that embodied the experience of the first two Silesian wars, was circulated confidentially among his generals.
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Should we look at that country in term of its economic power : In your opinion, when examining poverty in any particular country, should we look at that country in terms of its economic power? Why or why not?
What individuals, groups, and plans shaped the process : What individuals, groups, and plans shaped the process of Reconstruction in the aftermath of the Civil War? Who ultimately controlled the process?


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