Which focus on authors influences and related information

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Reference no: EM133610171


Chosen Author and his work: Rohinton Mistry - Such A Long Journey

A. A two-page author report, which will focus on the author's influences and related information, as it pertains to the text.

B. A 3-4 page literary paper on the text with a thesis developed by you. The paper must also include secondary sources, which means that you are required to do some research.

C. An oral talk, which you will present to the class. During this presentation, you should make mention of interesting information you learned through doing this project, as well as a summary of your findings on the book of your choice.

D. A work log (notebook) or whatever method you prefer which will include detailed information related to your ISU (i.e., research completed in order to get a better understanding of the issues raised in your chosen book, annotations).

Reference no: EM133610171

Questions Cloud

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Identify a criminal case where affirmative defense was used : Identify and summarize a criminal case where the affirmative defense was used. Include the links for resources.
Which focus on authors influences and related information : A two-page author report, which will focus on the author's influences and related information, as it pertains to the text.
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What is the role of the national security advisor : What is the role of the national security advisor?Now that you've read about Charles Darwin and Natural Selection in both your textbook
Reading the protections provided by the miranda warnings : The rights and protections provided by the Miranda warnings, and explain when Miranda warnings must be provided by a police officer to an individual.
How teachers define successful edtech implementation : Summarize This mixed methods study sought to identify how teachers define successful edtech implementation and how their definitions of success vary.


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