Which flaw of industrial cities is this example focusing on

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Reference no: EM133332363

Assignment: "Modern urbanism was born to try to correct the flaws of industrial cities: with the Utopian proposals on the one hand, and the new urban planning legislation on the other" Evaluate this statement.


I agree with this statement.

Flaws of industrial cities: each example focusing on different flaws

Utopian proposal: looking at the changing understanding of the relationship between natural and built environment, changing modern lifestyle

New urban planning legislation: examples. Lifestyle, nature

The word modern is an indication of process called modernization, which can be style, expression (modernism), state of a poor condition (referred to as modernity).

Essential to the idea behind modernism is that architecture/art should reflect changing societal and cultural conditions but also contribute to them.

Body Paragraph (pls use this examples)

-Another important project in modern history of architecture is Moisei Ginzburg and Ignatii Milinis's Narkomfin building. This building was forward looking not only in its architecture, but also in the idea that it offers collective housing. The building had a collective kitchen in the annex, which was a communal block that included gym and dining halls in addition to the kitchen. This was part of efficient approach to living modern collective lifestyle, which questions about the impact that architecture and planning can have on relationships with people and their lifestyles.

Which flaw of industrial cities is this example focusing on?

-Another project that proposes lifestyle change and collective approach is by Swedish architect Sven Markelius. Ericssonsgatan Collective House: Although to the façade is less radical than the Narkomfin building, its spatial planning is uncommon. The units are very small (no bedroom), you see in the entrance of the unit there's small bathroom and tiny kitchen. Majority of the food meant to be cooked in the central on the ground floor. The ground level included convenient store, dining hall, and daycare. It was an approach that focused on bringing collective approaches to living. One of the rationales behind this idea was to liberate the dwellers/housewife from housework to have free time as part of modern lifestyle they were trying to create.

Which flaw of industrial cities is this example focusing on?

-The focus on liberating the housewife and on efficiency is evident in this project: Frankfurt kitchen by Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky: her design aimed to create super-organization in the kitchen as part of the modern daily lifestyle, so the housewife could have time to do other things. This kitchen was a template, particularly as part of social housing project by Ernst May in the city of Frankfurt. Ernst May' Römerstadt: he built 20 cities in 3 years due to the housing shortage after the World Wars. Because of the situation reliant on prefabricated construction. This social housing projects manifested egalitarian ideas such equal access to sunlight, to air, common areas etc.

Which flaw of industrial cities is this example focusing on?

-Wladimiro Acosta: developed his Helios system to find balance between giving access to sunlight and mitigating it in order to create shading elements. He was an early pioneer in the world to take climate into considerations. Different from other European architects, since they were within the context of Northern European climate where access to sunlight was not an issue. But in tropical context, it becomes important to be able mitigate the excess of solar heat and sunlight.

Which flaw of industrial cities is this example focusing on?

Reference no: EM133332363

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