Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs

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Reference no: EM133734966


The nurse in a mental health clinic is interviewing a client who was referred to the clinic by the client's primary health care provider. Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs assistance to restore and maintain mental health?


Reference no: EM133734966

Questions Cloud

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Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs : Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs assistance to restore and maintain mental health?
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Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs : The nurse in a mental health clinic is interviewing. Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client need assistance to restore and maintain mental health?
Discuss francisco de goyas painting : Examine and discuss in detail Francisco de Goya's painting, The Third of May, 1808 created in 1815-16.
Which would the nurse determine because joseph has consented : After a thorough mental health assessment, Joseph is transferred. Which would the nurse determine because Joseph has consented to voluntary admission?


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