Reference no: EM132359599 , Length: word count:700
Assignment -
In Kaiser Permanente's outpatient clinics, our Physicians and Clinical Assistants work as a team to care for our patients. Our staffing model is 1 Clinical Assistant paired with 1 Physician when the clinic is open (usually 8AM-5:30PM). As a result, we track the relative #s of Clinical Assistants and Physicians working in each clinic to ensure balance.
The "Raw Data" tab has the total # of hours that were worked by Clinical Assistants and Physicians for each clinic during the months of June, July and August 2018. A "Clinic" is a specific department type at a specific facility like "Pediatrics at Towson" that works as a team. A department is a medical specialty where all of the physicians practice a similar type of medicine like "Adult & Family Medicine" or "Orthopedics". The facilities in this case are also grouped into "Areas" based on geography.
Questions -
Which clinic (a department at a specific facility) on average has the highest ratio of Clinical Assistant hours to Physician hours? What is that ratio?
Which clinic (a department at a specific facility) on average has the lowest ratio of Clinical Assistant hours to Physician hours? What is that ratio?
At the facility level (not individual clinics/specialties), which facility has the highest ratio of Clinical Assistant hours to Physician hours for the 3 months in the data?
Make a pivot table showing total Clinical Assistant hours and Physician hours by Department and Area (not Facility)
Use VLOOKUP to take the value in cell A7 and populate the value for "Area" North Arundel Medical Center.
The union is allowing us to move 1 Clinical Assistant permanently from 1 clinic to another in order to get closer to the 1 Clinical Assistant to 1 Physician ratio. However the two clinics have to be either:
1. Within the same facility or
2. Within the same department and area
Which clinic would you pull the Clinical Assistant from and which clinic would receive the Clinical Assistant and WHY?
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar
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