Which enhances the greenhouse gas effect

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133314876


1. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 150 years are increasing primarily because of:

A. fossil fuel emissions (oil, coal, gas burning)
B. volcanoes
C. natural variability
D. changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun

2. Stronger earthquakes and tsunamis are generated on:

A. normal dip slip faults on divergent mid-ocean ridge spreading centers
B. reverse dip slip faults (reverse faults) on convergent ocean-ocean or ocean-continent boundaries
C. Magma hotspots like the Hawaiian Islands
D. Equally likely to occur everywhere

3. To avoid being struck by lightning and being killed do the following:

A. get inside a house or building with a lightning rod when you can see lightning or hear thunder
B. lay down on the ground
C. go out on the water during a thunderstorm
D. hike in the mountains without shelter during thunderstorms

4. Do shallow water waves like tsunamis travel faster when the water is

A. shallow (less than 100 m)
B. deeper (more than 2000m)

5. When two ocean plates collide, the subducting plate is usually

A. older and more dense
B. younger and less dense
C. Difficult to predict based on evidence given

6. Does optimism bias often make people

A. more prepared to survive a natural disaster
B. less prepared to survive a natural disaster

7. A recurrence interval for a natural disaster

A. tells us when the next event is going to occur
B. provides information about the probability of an event occuring each year
C. refers to the periodic nature of extreme events
D. Cannot help us assess risk

8. In mountains where there are steep slopes, the following are risk factors for landslides:

A. freezing and thawing cycles that split rocks apart
B. Extreme rain and snow events that build up mass on steep slopes
C. Wildfires
D. Loss of vegetation cover
E. All of the above

9. The permafrost carbon-climate feedback is one in which anthropogenic climate warming causes permafrost soils in the north to thaw. The thawing of soils accelerates microbial decomposition of soil organic matter that has been trapped in Arctic ecosystems for tens of thousands of years. The microbial decomposition, in turn, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which enhances the greenhouse gas effect and further contributes to climate warming.

A. this is an example of a positive feedback loop because it is good for the climate system
B. this is an example of a negative feedback loop because it makes climate warming worse
C. this is an example of a positive feedback loop because the interactions between elements in the control loop amplify the original change
D.This feedback loop stabilizes the climate system

Reference no: EM133314876

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