Which egg is flattened on one side

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13141548

Which egg from Ascaris, Clonorchis sinesis and Taenia pisifromis has an operculum(escape hatch for the larva), which egg has a rough surface, and which egg is flattened on one side?

Reference no: EM13141548

Questions Cloud

Calculation for the adjustments of net income : For the year ended on December 31, 2010, XYZ had net income of $90,000 and paid dividends of $40,000. Prepare the journal entries to record the result using EQUITY METHOD of accounting. Show your calculation for the adjustments of net income.
Elucidate how dividend or dividend requirements on any class : Explain how dividends or dividend requirements on any class of preferred stock that may be outstanding affect the computation of basic EPS
Determining amount of expanse of diamond company : Diamond company borrowed $500,00 from a bank on Jan. 1, 2007 in order to expand its mining capabilities. the five-year note required annual payment of $ 130,218 and carried an annual interest rate of 9.5%.
Give description of transformer : Description of Transformer, An 11 kV to 415 V transformer has a rating of 100 kVA. The winding resistance and leakage reactance when referred to the secondary are 0.0142 Ohm and 0.0569 Ohm respectively
Which egg is flattened on one side : Which egg from Ascaris, Clonorchis sinesis and Taenia pisifromis has an operculum(escape hatch for the larva), which egg has a rough surface, and which egg is flattened on one side?
How has the british electoral and party systems evolved : How has the British electoral and party systems evolved in the last 150 years, approximately? Briefly, 200-300 words approximately. just a timeline
Approach to stakeholder impact analysis : In what circumstances would each approach to stakeholder impact analysis (moral standards, five-question, and Pastin's approach) be most useful? Summarize the approaches and describe when each would be most or least useful.
Computing current price of common stock : The last dividend paid by XYZ Company was $1.00. XYZs growth rate is expected to be a constant 5 percent. XYZ's required rate of return on equity (ks) is 10 percent. What is the current price of XYZ's common stock?
Illustrate what additional information is needed : As part of the audit, you must assess the operating effectiveness of controls related to the misstatement. Illustrate what additional information, if any, is needed to complete your assessment?


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