Reference no: EM131051257
Question 1
Participation may be undesirable in all of the following situations EXCEPT when:
A. follower commitment is not necessary.
B. the tasks are complex and quality is important.
C. time is of the essence.
D. interaction between leader and followers is restricted.
Question 2
Genencor International started its employee participation program:
A. when they built a new headquarters.
B. after the leadership team took a trip to Japan.
C. after they hired a new CEO.
D. as a routine part of doing business.
Question 3
Li Wei is under pressure to make a quick decision on a project with which she has considerable expertise and experience. Her team is inexperienced and generally supportive, and she needs the members' strong commitment to implement her decision. In this situation, Li Wei should:
A. make decisions by herself.
B. allow for employee participation.
C. seek more information.
D. delegate the decision to the group.
Question 4
The more __________ a culture, the less likely it is that employees will participate in decision making.
A. coolectivist
B. ascriptive
C. power oriented
D. flexible
Question 5
Which cultural values will least likely support employee participation and empowerment?
A. high power distance
B. collectivist
C. humane orientation
D. high time (future) orientation
Question 6
The leadership traits identified by IBM to revive the company include which of the following?
A. being a visionary
B. developing people and enabling growth
C. being able to take charge
D. having both task and people skills
Question 7
In spite of cultural and other differences, one of the keys to successful implementation of teams is:
A. follower's involvement.
B. organizational policies.
C. slow implementation.
D. leader's belief in participation.
Question 8
Which of the following is one of the goals of delegation?
A. help th eleader with excessive workload
B. share power with employees
C. empower employees
D. increase the leader's power
Question 9
Leaders should generally not delegate which type of tasks or decisions?
A. Strategic decisions
B. Personnel decisions
C. Manufacturing tasks
D. Quality control
Question 10
Which underlying factor may be a contributing factor to leader's inability to delegate?
A. follower's personality
B. leader's personality
C. organizational policies
D. organizational culture
Question 11
__________ are more likely to find it difficult to delegate task to their followers.
A. Experienced managers
B. Relationship-oriented leaders
C. Leaders who have trouble developing positive LMX
D. Type A leaders
Question 12
In teams, members often share:
A. a culture.
B. norms.
C. history.
D. personal experiences.
Question 13
Self-managed teams use leadership based on:
A. cooperation.
B. consideration.
C. shared responsibility
D. facilitation.
Question 14
__________ is one of the key factors in effective teams.
A. Building trust
B. A good leader
C. Clear rules
D. A goal handed down from upper management
Question 15
Robert wants to increase the trust among his team members. What should he do?
A. an exchange procesCreate friendly competition among the members.
B. Set up formal communication mechanisms.
C. Reward cooperation.
D. Assign a formal leader.
Question 16
__________ is intended to teach team members to monitor, assess and correct their behavior in the team.
A. Self-guided correction
B. Cross training
C. Coordination training
D. Assertiveness training
Question 17
Self-leadership is similar to which of the other theories of leadership?
A. Fiedler's Contingency Model
B. The LMX model
C. The substitutes for leadership
D. Situational leadership
Question 18
The use of teams in the U.S. was triggered by:
A. globalization.
B. the growth of the Chinese economy.
C. failure of the U.S. management methods.
D. the successful use of teams in Japan.
Question 19
Instead of team-based management, Australian researchers have proposed the concept of __________ to involve individuals in teams in Western cultures.
A. collaborative individualism
B. self-leadership
C. participation
D. transformational leadership
Question 20
Self-leaders __________ instead of __________.
A. keep information; sharing information.
B. make sure everyone is on board; letting employees develop their own goals.
C. provide a vision; letting the team set goals.
D. encourage creativity; conformity.