Which conditions is the demographic segmentation bases

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706578

The assignment should be minimum of 4 pages with Title page and reference (double spaced, 12-point font).

1. Under which conditions is the demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation bases necessary?

2. You are the marketing manager for a medium-sized U.S. packaged-food company that has decided to market its product in Europe. What segmentation scheme would you use and what limitations would it have in helping you identify your target markets?

3. Consider each of the brands below. Assuming that a strong CRM system is in place in each brand's parent firm, what specific actions can marketing managers take in each case to ensure high satisfaction and loyalty among the most profitable customers?

a. Aeropostale

b. Wynn Las Vegas

c. Your own college or university

d. Subaru automobiles

e. GE home appliances

Reference no: EM131706578

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