Which components of validity management that you expect

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM133358435 , Length: 2000 Words

Assignment - Research Proposal development

Research and Professional Ethics

Assessment Task
Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.

This is the first assessment of two assessment pieces for this module. Please note these are interlinked from a content perspective. A key consideration for you to be aware of is that the requirements for this assessment will also form the basis of your second assessment, which will be due later this semester.(Note however that the mark allocation for this assessment is completely separate from the mark allocation for the second piece of assessment.)

In this first assessment, you are required to undertake the following:

In preparation for your forthcoming Data Analysis project (referred to as DAP in the requirements below) in Semester 3, please submit a paper containing no more than 2000 words which clearly identifies:

• The proposed Research Titleand Topic Areaof your DAP. In your topic area, please provide a concise paragraph advising of the background to your topic and why you have selected this area of study.

• The proposed Research Objectives or Hypothesis/Hypotheses you intend to address in your DAP.The Problem Definition model should be used. Please ensure your Research Objectives/Hypotheses are aligned to your Research title and topic.

• You are required to submit a preliminary Literature Review (LR) as part of this assessment. It is recommended that you keep your word count for the preliminary Literature Review to between 900-1100 words in this first assessment. Please ensure reference to at least one external reading referred to in this module is included in your LR.

• Which components of validity management that you expect to be particularly applicable in your DAP, clearly explaining why you feel the components you have identified are relevant.

Reference no: EM133358435

Questions Cloud

Discuss jurisdiction of court and tribunal in queensland : Queensland has a number of courts and tribunals which have been set up by state legislation to deal with a variety of matters. The type of offence or dispute
Effective in promoting secure operations : Recommend tools and practices that you have found to be effective in promoting secure operations.
Describe the initial goals for the internship : The personal strengths you have discovered through your internship experience. The initial goals for the internship. What additional goals evolved
What is personally identifiable information : What is personally identifiable information. Identify the types of attacks that could result in denial of access to or theft of PII.
Which components of validity management that you expect : Which components of validity management that you expect to be particularly applicable in your DAP, clearly explaining why you feel the components
Explain how it improved your decision making process : Have you ever not followed this rule in your own personal or professional decision making, resulting in a poor decision? If so, how can you avoid making this
Examples of systems combining two or more patterns : Give two examples of systems combining two or more patterns, and explain why you chose these examples.
List the components of the lamp stack : List the components of the LAMP stack. Which commercial products do these components compete with (investigate online, if necessary)? Use citations
How might such writing differ from writing done in business : Do you consider your daily texting, Facebook updates, blog entries, e-mails, and other informal writing to be "real writing"? How might such writing differ



3/12/2023 10:04:30 PM

I don't currently have a subject on which I've made a decision. Given that the assignment will be connected to the one after it, the topic should make sense. The solution of a real problem should be the subject of the study. The study should be conducted in a way that considers the evaluation standards. The three attached documents must be carefully read, and the study must be completed in accordance with them.

Write a Review

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