Which component has increased by the largest percentage

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131090449

Federal Reserve, atwww.federalreserve.gov/releases/h8/Current, provides an aggregate balance sheet for commercial banks in the United States. Check the current release and review the first table, "Selected Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the US". Review the most current full years' worth of data (not quarter).

• Rank the following components of loans and leases in terms of size: commercial and industrial, real estate, consumer, security, and other.

• Over the past 12 months, which component has increased by the largest percentage? 2016 10.6
By the largest absolute amount? 2015 was 9.9

• Has the net worth (assets and liabilities) of all commercial banks in the US increased or decreased, or remained constant during the past year?

Reference no: EM131090449

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