Reference no: EM133654018
Amanda is a 16-year-old girl with a history of Asthma presented to the emergency department with increased work of breathing, cough, and wheezing. No clear trigger for her respiratory symptoms was identified, although she had a mild upper respiratory tract infection. Vital signs BP 134/72, P 124, T 100.6 RR 34 O2 sat 90%. She has been using an albuterol rescue inhaler approximately three times per week, which she reports doesn't work. Please discuss the following.
1. Assessment (Recognizing Cues); Which client information is relevant? What client data is most important? Which client information is of immediate concern? Considersigns and symptoms, lab work, client statements, H & P, and others. Consider subjective and objective data.
2. Analysis (Analyzing Cues); Which client conditions are consistent with the cues? Do the cues support a particular client's condition? What cues are a cause for concern? What other information would help to establish the significance of a cue?
3. Analysis (Prioritizing Hypotheses); What explanations are most likely? What is the most serious explanation? What is the priority order for safe and effective care? In order of priority, identify the top 3 client conditions.
4. Planning (Generate Solutions); What are the desirable outcomes? What interventions can achieve these outcomes? What should be avoided? (SMART Planning- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant,time-restricted- Goal setting)
5. Implementation (Take actions); How should the intervention or combination of interventions be performed, requested, communicated, taught, etc.? What are the priority interventions? (Mark with asterisk)
6. Evaluation (Evaluating Outcomes); What signs point to improving/declining/unchanged status? What interventions were effective? Are there other interventions that could be more effective? Did the client's care outlook or status improve?