Which civilization had the most fortifications

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Reference no: EM131064440

Question 1 of 20

Which two conflicting trends increase in prominence in Hellenistic sculpture?

A. Realistic and abstract

B. Classical and anti-Classical

C. Organic and geometric

D. Conservative and liberal

Question 2 of 20

What device is used inside the dome of the Pantheon to lighten its weight?

A. Coffers

B. Columns

C. Groin vaults

D. Pilasters

Question 3 of 20

What does the Arch of Titus commemorate?

A. Titus's coronation as Emperor

B. Titus's birth

C. Titus's death

D. Titus's capture of Jerusalem

Question 4 of 20

Which of the following is a style of ancient Greek pottery in which the objects are black and the background is red?

A. Red-figure

B. Geometric

C. Black-figure

D. Niello

Question 5 of 20

Which of the following characteristics of Greek art became more pronounced during Hellenistic times?

A. It became more idealized.

B. It became more all-encompassing.

C. It was more individual and emotional.

D. It was more calm and aloof.

Question 6 of 20

The theme of wall paintings in the Villa of Mysteries is probably:

A. a Roman orgy.

B. divine justice.

C. initiation into the cult of Bacchus.

D. the Greek play Oedipus Rex.

Question 7 of 20

Which is our source of Etruscan temples?

A. Etruscan homes

B. Writings of Roman architect, Vitruvius

C. The one remaining at Cerveteri

D. Models in Etruscan tombs

Question 8 of 20

Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos was considered daring because it:

A. broke the canon of Polykleitos.

B. showed the goddess as an old woman.

C. was brightly painted.

D. was nude.

Question 9 of 20

When was the Geometric style dominant in Greece?

A. 900 to 700 BCE

B. 600 to 480 BCE

C. 3000 to 1000 BCE

D. 320 to 30 BCE

Question 10 of 20

As seen in the mosaic, An Unswept Floor, to fool the viewer with a great sense of detail and realism is known as:

A. cameo.

B. trompe l'oeil.

C. dado.

D. veristic.

Question 11 of 20

Which civilization had the most fortifications?

A. Cycladic

B. Minoan

C. Mycenaean

D. Harappan

Question 12 of 20

Two equal intersecting barrel vaults form a(n):

A. exedra.

B. spandrel.

C. groin vault.

D. corbeled vault.

Question 13 of 20

In the Doric order, which of the following are alternating panels in the frieze, which are sometimes sculpted?

A. Metopes

B. Triglyphs

C. Palmettes

D. Volutes

Question 14 of 20

What is the striking difference between depictions of the Greek procession on the Parthenon and the Roman procession on the Ara Pacis?

A. The Greek figures are nude.

B. The Roman one is longer.

C. The Greek cutting is much deeper.

D. The Roman one shows actual people.

Question 15 of 20

Which of the following is a "great room" or large audience hall in a Mycenaean ruler's residence?

A. Tholos

B. Peristyle

C. Megaron

D. Pronaos

Question 16 of 20

The Romans could build faster and cheaper because they developed the use of:

A. mass production.

B. concrete.

C. slave labor.

D. modular construction.

Question 17 of 20

Which did the Minoans practice?

A. Bullfighting

B. Leaping over a bull

C. Running of the bulls

D. Bull wrestling

Question 18 of 20

Minoan culture gets its name from:

A. the Island Minos.

B. King Minos.

C. the Mountain Minos.

D. Queen Minos.

Question 19 of 20

What does "archaic" mean?

A. Advanced

B. Unique

C. Common

D. Antiquated

Question 20 of 20

Which of the following is a slow-drying type of plaster?

A. Enamel

B. Skene

C. Stucco

D. Slip

Reference no: EM131064440

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