Which cell is the most abundant in the human body

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131142402

1) Which of the following systems is the only one to have direct interactions with the other three?


2) Blood moves most slowly through


3) The bicuspid (mitral) valve is located between the

left and right atria.
right atrium and right ventricle.
left and right ventricles.
left atrium and left ventricle.

4) What occurs during systole?

The atrioventricular valves suddenly open.
The heart muscle tissues contract.
Oxygen-poor blood from all body regions except the lungs flows into the right atrium.
Oxygen-rich blood is pumped to the lungs.

5) If a physician hears two "lub" sounds instead of one, then which of the following conditions is true?

The AV and semilunar valves are not closing at the same time.
The semilunar valves are not closing simultaneously.
The atrial blood is flowing backward and causing the extra sound.
The atrioventricular valves are not closing at the same time.

6) The pulmonary circulation

leads to, through, and from the lungs.
leads to, through, and from the heart.
involves the hepatic portal vein.
includes the coronary arteries.

7) Heart excitation originates in the

intercalated disk.
atrioventricular node.
sinoatrial node.

8) The heart

is completely independent of all nervous control.
is activated primarily through the autonomic nervous system.
will contract as a result of stimuli from the sinoatrial node.
contracts only as a result of nerve stimulation from the central nervous system.

9) Systolic pressure is

the lowest blood pressure in the aorta.
the pressure measured when the left ventricle is relaxed.
the difference between the highest and lowest pressures.
the peak pressure in the aorta when the left ventricle contracts.

10) Which of the following vessels offers more resistance to blood flow than the others?


11) At the arteriole end of the capillary, precapillary sphincters

force blood back into veins.
control blood flow into capillaries.
control blood flow into venules.
force blood back into arteries.

12) Which cell is the most abundant in the human body?


13) What is the function of hemoglobin?

to transport nutrients
to transport oxygen
to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
to transport carbon dioxide

14) All but which of the following can occur in the blood?

stabilization of pH
digestion of nutrients
transport of phagocytic cells
combining of oxygen with hemoglobin

15) The most abundant white blood cells are


16) All of the following promote the unloading of oxygen to needy tissues EXCEPT

small diameter blood vessels.
high metabolism.
abundant oxygen supply.
higher temperatures.

17) In humans, which cell does NOT have a nucleus when mature?


18) When the oxygen level in the blood is low, which of the following secretes erythropoietin, causing an increase in red blood cell production?


19) If you are blood type A,

you carry antibodies for type B blood.
you carry markers for type B blood.
you can donate blood to a person with type O blood.
you can receive blood from a person with type AB blood.

20) Which blood type is the universal donor?


21) In the Rh disease,

the mother must be negative and her first and second children positive.
the mother must be positive and her first and second children positive.
the mother and the father must both be negative and the child positive.
the mother must be negative and her first and second children negative.

22) Which of the following may be affected by altitude?

white blood cell count
red blood cell count

23) Which of the following is NOT involved in the formation of a blood clot?

plasma cells

24) How does aspirin help to reduce clotting?

it reduces the red blood count
it binds to fibrin
it reduces platelet aggregation
it reduces the platelet count

25) Which of the following is NOT a function of the nasal cavities?

oxygenate the blood
filter dust out of the incoming air
detect odors
warm the air

26) Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged due to the process of

facilitated diffusion.
active transport.

27) During inhalation,

the pressure in the pleural sac is less than the pressure within the lungs.
movement of the diaphragm is inhibited.
the pressure in the thoracic cavity is greater than the pressure within the lungs.
the diaphragm moves upward and becomes more curved.

28) Oxygen moves from alveoli to the bloodstream

because the concentration of oxygen is greater in alveoli than in the blood.
mainly due to the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the red blood cells.
by using the assistance of carbaminohemoglobin.
because the concentration of carbon dioxide is greater in alveoli than in the blood.

29) Most of the carbon dioxide produced by the body is transported to the lungs

dissolved in blood plasma.
bound to potassium carbonate ions.
as carbonic acid molecules.
as bicarbonate ions.

30) Infant respiratory distress syndrome is caused by

surfactant-secreting cells that do not work yet.
underdeveloped alveoli.
underdeveloped bronchi.
clogged bronchioles.

Reference no: EM131142402

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