Reference no: EM133687283
Choose one of the following options for this week's discussion. Be sure to make your initial post by Thursday midnight CST.
In Chapter 9 of Doing Research in Your Own Organization, Coghlan presents this question: What frameworks might help me understand my experience? One of those frameworks is systems thinking, something you know a good deal about at this point.
As a leader who is committed to the improvement of outcomes for those you serve and as a learner in the Educational Leadership specialization, you will ultimately design a collaborative improvement project at your organization. For this discussion, follow the Next Steps exercise at the end of the following:
Senge, P., & Kim, D. (n.d.). From fragmentation to integration: Building learning communities.
Respond to the following:
1) Who are the "experts" in your organization? How do they gain their knowledge? How do they share it with others?
2) Using the guidelines in the article, analyze which of these capabilities is most strongly characteristic of your organization: research, practice, or capacity-building.
3) Which capability does your organization need to develop most? Why? Support your analysis with examples and evidence.
4) What are the barriers to development of the capability most in need of development?
5) Discuss where in your organization learning feels fragmented, that is, where lessons learned are not being applied effectively. What strategies might you use to better integrate knowledge into work processes-whether your role is teacher, administrator, contributor, staff member, or other-so that you or your team can apply what you've learned as part of a continuous improvement process? What would that project look like?