Which best explains why people develop diabetes

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Reference no: EM133488873


Chapter 13.

1. Which statement about hearing is true?

Younger adults experience more hearing difficulty when background noise is present.

When age-related hearing loss first occurs, it is limited to high-pitched sounds.

Hearing loss is inevitable and cannot be delayed or lessened.

Age-related declines in hearing occur faster in women than in men.

2. John is a historian who analyzes the different perspectives of historical figures to solve problems related to racial injustice. What type of intelligence is he using as he ponders these problems?

the Flynn effect

fluid intelligence

crystallized intelligence

cohort effects in intelligence

3. Racial differences associated with disparities in retirement savings can be attributed to ______.

bad investment opportunities

income and educational inequities

needing to support extended family

poor spending habits

4. An individual caught in a traffic jam becomes very angry. What is happening physiologically?

Blood pressure increases.

The heart rate reduces.

Stress hormones are blocked by an emotional response.

The breathing rate reduces.

5. Why is driving at night more of a challenge for older adults?

The lens of the eye yellows which makes it harder to reflect the beams of oncoming cars.

Less light reaches the eye which creates a larger glare from headlights.

Night vision increases causing a higher sensitivity to light from headlights.

Increases in rods cause a decrease in cones that discriminate light from headlights.

6. Which best explains why people develop diabetes?

socioeconomic factors, like having lower income

genetic factors combined with lifestyle factors, like diet and exercise

environmental factors, like being exposed to pollution, that lead to poor physical health

genetic factors, like inheriting a specific gene that triggers diabetes

7. Which activity is an example of using crystallized intelligence?

analyzing an issue

solving a dilemma

identifying a need

memorizing vocabulary words

8. Which is tied to lower job burnout?

assistance with and good management of workloads

having friends at work

having the support of family

changing careers for one that offers a higher salary

9. An experiment designed to show fewer declines in processing speed among middle adults would ask participants to ______.

use a pen and paper to record their responses

use a touch screen to differentiate between two stimuli

respond to questions using a keyboard and mouse

respond out loud to questions

10. Abigail is a woman who complains to her husband that she has more wrinkles than he does. However, she moisturizes and rarely goes out in the sun. Why might this be?

Testosterone provides males with extra toughness to the skin.

The dermis layer of the female increases fat which loosens the skin.

The dermis layer of the male is thinner which allows more flexibility.

In women, estrogen is reduced which increases aging of the skin.

11. Why does job satisfaction typically go up as we age?

We are less attuned to interpersonal problems at work.

We are more motivated by extrinsic rewards.

We worry less about small stressors on the job.

We become more satisfied by intrinsic rewards.

12. Which is a stressor of the sandwich generation?

struggling to pay the bills with low-paying jobs

working to meet deadlines at high-level jobs

caring for two generations simultaneously

juggling work and children at the same time

13. In middle adulthood, the more complex the task, the greater the age-related ______.

capacity for attention

decline in reaction time

ability to remember

increase in motor speed

14. As we age, we fear job insecurity less.



15. Who is most likely to be at high risk for stress-related heart disease?

Adam, a sales manager who is easily frustrated at work and frequently yells at his employees

Annette, a mother of a child with special needs who is about to enter high school

Cheyenne, a nurse and caretaker for her mother with dementia with the help of her siblings

Paul, a high school guidance counselor who helps students plan for their future careers

Reference no: EM133488873

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