Reference no: EM131217178
Overview of the Case Study
Virginia Woolf (born as Virginia Stephen) had great interest in reading and writing and she expressed so as a child while growing up by reading most of the books in the library (Meyer, 2013, pp. 115-116). Growing up, she lost her mother, her stepsister and her father leading her to have extreme breakdowns and episodes of depression. Virginia also started developing severe manic issues including hallucination and suicidal attempt. Her sexual development also suffered as she was sexually abused by her two half-brothers (Meyer, 2013, pp. 115-116). Moreover, Virginia developed her sexual preference towards women and although she married Leonard Woolf she was never sexually responsive to him. Her breakdowns and insanity lapses kept escalading and despite Leonard's attempts to help Virginia relax, in 1941, she decided to commit suicide by drowning herself in the river (Meyer, 2013, pp. 115-116).
Meyer, R. G. (2013). Case Studies in Abnormal Behavior, 9e. Retrieved from the University of
Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Plante, T. G. (2010). Contemporary clinical psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jo
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of your selected case, in which you demonstrate an application of clinical psychology in a real-world situation.
Address the following items:
• Provide a brief overview of your selected case.
• Discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors involved in your selected case.
• Use your selected case study to explain which interventions would be appropriate in the field of clinical psychology. For each intervention you select, provide the following:
o The rationale for selecting the intervention
o What would be done
o Who would be involved
o In what setting the intervention would occur
o Which area the intervention is targeting, such as biological, psychological, or social factors.
Use information from at least three peer-reviewed publications to support your points.
Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines, including a reference page.
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Which area the intervention is targeting
: Use your selected case study to explain which interventions would be appropriate in the field of clinical psychology. For each intervention you select, provide the following: The rationale for selecting the intervention, What would be done.
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