Where your meeting should take place

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132773313

Question: Kristy Short has worked as a Client Experience Facilitator at Bliss Me for some time now. Her main role within the business is to check in with clients who have chosen to start their wellness journey with Bliss&Me, ensuring they are getting what they need to keep them on their path forward. Kristy has (built some great connections within the industry and uses these to link like-minded people together, with the aim supportive network to make it easier for Bliss&Me clients to achieve their goals.)

Kristy lives and breathes wellness and has a healthy addiction to social media, TED talks and other blogs and websites that provide her with new and fresh ideas about health and wellbeing.

All this time Kristy spends in and out of the business on wellness, has led to the development of a new idea that she thinks will provide a greater connection and network of support to her clients. She wants to use a social media platform to create groups that she can manage. Not only will this platform connect clients to her but also to each other. She thinks (this will also allow her to provide some of the great articles, blogs and other wellness information she always finds useful, direct to her clients.)

Kristy is aware that this is just a concept at this stage and that she needs to spend some time brainstorming the merit of her idea - especially as it involves understanding more of the 'behind the scenes' aspects of development, management and marketing. A good idea that potentially brings in more clients is great, but it's not too helpful if the business can't manage it.

Kristy hopes that she can formalise a meeting to gather the right people in the business to assist her in 'pulling apart' her idea. She would like to walk away knowing that her idea has merit and is worth pursuing. She hopes to get lots of thoughts and ideas about what she would need to consider about it so that, in the next month, she can present a proposal to the board. Her leader, Ella, thinks it's definitely an idea worth pursuing further and has authorised Kristy to seek out stakeholders within the business to support her meeting requirement. She recommends Kristy allow a reasonable amount of time for her exploration session as well as a decent size meeting room to accommodate the right people. There are two meeting rooms (Meeting Room 1 and Meeting Room 4) that are probably the right size. Ella is happy to provide Kristy with enough money to support the provision of coffee and snacks, especially as they will be giving up their time to help Kristy out with her potential project. She would like Kristy to limit her spend for the meeting to a budget of $10 per person attending (Kristy included), or a maximum of $100 overall depending on whichever is lower.

Most people are in the office at the start and end of the week as they prep and work on reports in those times. Everyone in the business is so busy, they live and die by their calendars! Kristy will have to conduct a meeting request for anyone she wants to be there so they (and she) don't forget to come at the right time. She's pretty hopeful she can get everyone there, although if not, there is always other options in this day and age to make sure they can get involved.

1. Prior to making your arrangements and taking action, there are a few key considerations to planning your meeting.

-The purpose of the meeting that you need to hold.
-The style of meeting you will use. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose and the level of participation you require from your attendees.
-The meeting method - face to face, teleconference or web-conference. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose and the impact to group dynamics, in comparison to other methods listed.
-The intended length and structure of your meeting. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose.
-The required participants for your meeting. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose.
-Any information the attendees will require for the meeting, and when this should be distributed. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose.
-When the meeting should take place. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your overall goal.
-Where your meeting should take place. Justify your selection in regards to how this will assist you to achieve your purpose, as well how it aligns to any organisational requirements, for example policies and procedures.
-Outline any legal or ethical considerations that need to be factored into your planning.

Reference no: EM132773313

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