Where you believe company should go from current situation

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131648543

Assignment: "Ethical Moments":

Students will read the weekly assigned chapters in Johnson and choose an example of an ethical issue/theory in action to illustrate the concept (cite Johnson copiously throughout the paper, literally in almost every sentence except the part where you are "setting the stage") - either from current news, a scholarly article, YouTube, or from personal experience. The purpose of this assignment is to integrate the theory and concepts with "real world" examples. These papers will be shared in small groups so that others may learn and benefit from this integration. Each paper should be at least two double-spaced pages and written in APA format using the APA referencing methodology.

Case Summary: A brief restatement of the case in summary form: What happened? When? Where? - no longer than 100 words (This could also be a summary of an article from a business publication: you are welcome to use an article from The Economist, BusinessWeek, Entrepreneurship, or a truly scholarly publication, a TV show, or a movie -if you cannot think of any real-case situation which involves an ethical component.)

Discussion: (Why did it happen? What is right? What is wrong?) The major issue(s) to be addressed in your paper. This can be a statement of the major problem(s) and or opportunities presented in the case.

Your paper should use the relevant terminology identified in the text (Johnson) to show your understanding of the terms and their applications. If you quote the text for any referencing to support your discussion, you must use quotation marks and cite the page and author (in our text case, Johnson, 2012) in each citation. If you cite other sources, you must reference them as well.

Recommendations and Conclusion: (How could it have been different?) This is the opportunity you have to state what you believe is the best set of actions or steps to be taken to correct the problem or achieve a major opportunity to improvement indicated by the case such as defining the following:

• Where you believe the company should go from the current (last known) situation
• defined for the case and why?
• What steps or process should be taken by management to remedy a clearly defined problem, how and why?
• Who (by title and or function) in the company needs to take responsibility to change a bad situation to an improved situation?
• What exactly needs to change, when should it change, how should it be changed and why?

Reference no: EM131648543

Questions Cloud

Sometimes challenges are related to traditions : Sometimes challenges are related to traditions. Why do you think that sometimes you need to challenge traditions?
Developing a corporate communications tool : Developing a corporate communications tool. Write a one-page rationale for their chosen tool, Include information on Target audience
What is present value of the cash flows : A set of cash flows begins at $50,000 the first year, what is the present value of the cash flow?
Find the distribution of the number of frogs with the trait : Verify that he can use a Normal model to approximate the distribution of the number of frogs with the trait.
Where you believe company should go from current situation : Where you believe the company should go from the current situation. What steps or process should be taken by management to remedy a clearly defined problem?
Demographic characteristics : How do marketers segment markets for consumer goods products according to demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income bracket, etc.
Traditional brick and mortar store : Compare and contrast a traditional "brick and mortar store" to its online store.
Compute probability the airline will not have enough seat : No-shows. An airline, believing that 5% of passengers fail to show up for flights, overbooks (sells more tickets than there are seats).
According to demographic characteristics : How do marketers segment markets for consumer goods products according to demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income bracket, etc.


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