Where would you make the cuts

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132260675

Write a minimum two (2) page paper that thoroughly answer the following two (2) case studies. In your answers bring in outside academic resources to support your opinions (see course information tab for academic resources).

Case Study #1 Sue is the head women's soccer coach at Bigtime University.

One of her star players has repeatedly been late to, or missed, practices and is creating a distraction to the team. After several meetings with the star player to discuss the issues nothing has changed and Sue is thinking about dismissing her star from the team. Thoroughly explain the entire process Sue should consider prior to dismissing the star player. What other athletic staff personal should be part of the decision making process? Why would you include them in the process?

Case Study #2 Jim is athletic director at State University.

He oversees 12 teams which employee 30 full-time coaches. Jim was told by his university president that he must cut 20% of expenses from next years budget. If you were Jim what would you do? Where would you make the cuts?

Use the six steps in sound decision making you learned about in our textbook to guide your process. Create a fact sheet and ask and answer important questions Jim will have to know for each step of the process. APA style in-text citation and reference

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The following paper explores two case studies that deal with decision-making in the sports world. The first case study outlines the dilemma of dismissing a star player from a soccer team and establishes the vital steps on how to proceed with it. The second case study deals with a budget cut in sports expenses. A fact sheet has been provided based on the DECIDE framework, which clearly elucidates the steps on how to achieve the same. This document has been prepared using Microsoft Office Word.

Reference no: EM132260675

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9/5/2019 1:37:54 AM

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