Reference no: EM131016659
1. Assume you have a max heap.
Q1) Where in the heap largest element reside?
Q2) Where in the heap smallest element reside?
2. Draw heap for the following array
A = {23,17,14,6,13,10,1,5,7,12}
Q1) Is this a max heap?
Q2) Is this a min heap?
3. Suppose A is an array sorted in decreasing order.
Is array A a max heap or min heap?
4. Construct max heap for
A = {2, 20,25,4,8,5,7,13,17}
1. Using top bottom construction
2. Using bottom up construction
5. For the heap constructed in Question 4
1. Illustrate the operation of HEAP SORT
6. Draw min heap for
A = {15,13,9,5,12,8,7,4,0,9,2,1} ;
1. Now insert 3 to the heap.
2. Delete top of the heap and show the
heap after deletion