Where in ontario would arpandeep seek redress

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133419821

Arpandeep was employed by ABC Company in 2013 as a Fleet Manager. ABC Company has an annual payroll budget of $3.2 million. A few weeks after Arpandeep joined the company, he noticed that some employees of the company were using some inappropriate jokes to describe the colour of his skin. On some occasions, he heard some employees calling him inappropriate names too. On several occasions, Arpandeep reported the behavior of those employees to the Director of People & Culture at ABC Company. The Director always assured Arpandeep that the issues would be addressed, but the behavior of the employees got worse and worse almost everyday.

Arpandeep became very disturbed at work and experienced some mental health issues. He was referred by his doctor to see a mental health specialist. In January 2023, the behavior of the employees towards Arpandeep became very nasty at work. Arpandeep reported the issue again to the Director of People & Culture. Arpandeep urged the Director to address the issues immediately. Two days after reporting the last incident to the Director, the Company terminated Arpandeep's employment and provided him with a letter stating that the Company would provide 7 weeks pay in lieu of notice to Arpandeed.

As Arpandeep's friend studying Hospitality Law, advice him about his rights.

1. State and explain the claims that Arpandeep could allege in the case study

2. Where in Ontario would Arpandeep seek redress?

3. State and explain the basic termination entitlements that Arpandeep could receive

4. Using the knowledge acquired from the Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA), how would you describe the actions of the company in the years leading to the termination of Arpandeep's employment and also the company's action of terminating Arpandeep's employment?

Reference no: EM133419821

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