Where do we go from here we have no been able to say

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM1369419

Q. We considered Ausubel-Milgrom ascending proxy auction, which y sell as best of both worlds: under full information, prot-target equilibrium coincide with bidder-optimal points in core (like in Bernheim and Whinston); and when goods are substitutes, truthful bidding is an equilibrium even with private information, leading to an ancient outcome as in Vickrey auction. However, we haven't been able to say much on theoretical side about private information combined with complementarities. (Finally, for variety, we wrapped up with some analysis of wars of attrition and a generalized all-pay setting.) So, where do we go from here?

Reference no: EM1369419

Questions Cloud

Preparedness of companies to deal with internal resistance : Areas in which managers must be knowledgeable (e.g., process re-engineering and restructuring, innovating application of goods and services, approaches to managing employees as a vital element in the value chain, methods of achieving and maintaini..
Program to assign anonymous array of double value : Write c++ statements to permit the user to enter n, number of values to be processed; then assign an anonymous array of n double values, storing its address in doublPtr.
What is the final temperature : A skateboarder shoots off a ramp with a velocity of 6.80m/s, directed at an angle of 59° above the horizontal. The end of the ramp is 1.10 m above the ground.
Explain what suggestions could you offer to improve : Explain What suggestions could you offer to improve their competitive positions against one another?
Where do we go from here we have no been able to say : we haven't been able to say much on theoretical side about private information combined with complementarities.
Labor leisure constraint : Assume Madison has sixteen hours in the day for work or leisure. She earns $5 an hour and receives $15 each day in non-labor income.
Instructional design and rapid e-learning : Explain what is rapid e-learning and why would an instructional designer ever use this method of creating training? Is this the same as accelerated learning?
Manage benefits and changes in benefit programs : Managing Benefits and changes in benefit programs - Managing Benefits can provide you with great experience in dealing with people in so many areas
Explain compiler assign subcomputations : How would you have compiler assign 14 subcomputations to 15 cores? Describe briefly. (Symmetry means there is no unique answer).


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