Where do most native americans live

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13949837

1. Where do most Native Americans live? (Find the top-3 cities or regions in the US in terms of Native American populations using secondary research alone). Cite your sources.

2. Go Online and the home page for your home state. Once there, seek Out the Category that gives you Information on county and local statistics. Select the county where you reside and obtain the vital demographic and socioeconomic data available. Provide a brief demographic profit of the residents in your community.

3. Go to the home page of the U.S. Census Bureau. Spend some time there looking at the data and studying the data. Report on something that really surprised you.

4. Select an industry of your choice. (You could focus on the industry related to your group project, for example). Using secondary sources, obtain industry sales and the sales of the major firms in that Industry for the past year. Estimate the market shares of each major firm. From another source where this work may have already been completed, e.g. Mintel, compare and contrast the estimates:

a) To what extent do they agree?

b) If there are differences in the estimates, what may account for these differences?

5. You are planning to open a coffee shop in one of two areas in your local community. Conduct a secondary data search on key variables that would allow you to make a logical decision on which area Is best suited for your proposed coffee shop. Report on your findings. Cite your sources.

Reference no: EM13949837

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