Where did gladwell complete his college internship

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Reference no: EM132935847

1. We've had an opportunity to meet some extraordinary individuals in this book. Looking back, which chapter and which individuals--the violinists, The Beatles, the rice farmers, Marita, Daisy Nation, William Macmillan, Joyce Gladwell, Mr. Chance, or others--will be most memorable to you in the time ahead.

2. Review the proof Gladwell uses to support it and then discuss the statement "Virtually all of the advantage wealthy students have over poor students is the result of differences in the way privileged kids learn when they are not in school."

3. Yes, so we're not wealthy, but what might we do-doesn't cost any money-to make ourselves as competitive wealthy college students?

4. Gladwell dedicates his book to whomjQuery22405766469591803105_1623349486161 Tell us something about this person's characteristics and accomplishments. Malcolm describes her as being "a force." Why is this??

5. Gladwell, in the Acknowledgements, talks about a gift his father, unknowingly, gave to him which turned out to be incredibly important. Tell us the story?

6. And, let's take one more final lesson from Malcolm Gladwell. Let's go to the video--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNiJEsb1PMw Gladwell provides 10 tips for success along with stories-from Ikea to youth basketball to illustrate his points. Which story strikes you as the best one? And, which three rules do you think are best-that you will apply going forward in your education and in your career?

7. And, a bit on Gladwell-Who was his role model? Can you tell us something about this role model whom we've met in "A Jamaican Story?"

8. Where did Gladwell complete his college internship? What newspaper did he write for?-which prestigious magazine?

9. What are some of the extraordinary opportunities and hidden advantages of Malcolm Gladwell? What one question might you want to ask when you meet with someone who has become successful?

10. Why is it so important that you strive to find a career that you can "throw your heart and soul into," like Malcolm Gladwell.

Reference no: EM132935847

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