Reference no: EM133420758
Question 1) What are the permissions for your .login file? Who can access this file and what can they do with it? (Hint: ls -al /etc/passwd)
Question 2) What are the permissions for the /etc/passwd file? Who can access this file and what can they do with it? List two possible ways this file could be abused.
Question 3) Where are the encrypted passwords stored on Linux/Unix machines? (Hint: What file?)
Question 4) How might a forensic examiner use a password cracker (be specific)?
Question 5) Why might a forensic examiner want to check /etc/passwd?
Question 6) What logins and passwords did you find in the shadow file?
Question 7) Where are passwords stored in Windows 10? (Hint: File path) How are they stored?
Question 8) How do you create a new user account?
Question 9) Do some searching and list some password cracking applications: (Not the ones listed in the instructions)
Question 10) What federal law makes it illegal to traffic in passwords (Hint: review Lecture 2, full name and/or code section #):
Question 11) What is an encrypted volume?
Question 12) How can you tell that an encrypted volume is running? (Give multiple examples)
Question 13) What is the estimated time it would take to crack AES 256 bit encryption using Brute Force?