When the size of opening of the iris diaphragm is reduced

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM137288

Q1. 1) Why is agar preferable to gelatin as a solidifying agent in culture media?

2) Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar? In brief explain.

3) How might you find out whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe?"

Q2. What happens when the size of opening of the iris diaphragm is reduced?

What happens while the size of the opening of the iris diaphragm is increased?

Reference no: EM137288

Questions Cloud

Birds and mammals have a four-chambered heart : Birds and mammals have a four-chambered heart, with two ventricles and two atria, but other modern reptiles have a three-chambered heart, with just one ventricle. Paleontologists debate whether dinosaurs had a typical "reptile-like" heart or a "birdl..
What percentage of rna molecules will be radioactive : The Kingdom Fungi contains members with saprobic, parasitic and mutualistic modes of nutritiom. How do these types of nutrition relate to the ecological and economiv importace of this group.
Provide a possible mechanism for the resistance : Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy are normally more susceptible to infections. However, a patient receiving an antitumor drug that inhibited cell division was resistant to salmonella. Provide a possible mechanism for the resistance.
What is the function of science and technology in society : What is the function of science and technology in society. If you are in an airplane encountering turbulence and you start feeling sick to your stomach, would closing your eyes help and why.
When the size of opening of the iris diaphragm is reduced : How might you find out whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe.
Recognize a trait of the population to be addressed : The characteristic (trait) could be something like coloration pattern, length of the limbs, size of the teeth or beak, or any measurable trait that is inherited.
What is her diagnosis : A women is perspiring profusely with rapid breathing, breath smells like acetone and blood sugar is 650mg/ml, blood chemistry indicates acidosis, what is her diagnosis, is it hypoglicemia, but thrown off by rapid breathing.
The most likely diagnosis on the differential is : Discuss how medical technologies are evaluated. Give examples of at least two evaluation methods that have been discussed either in popular press or scholarly journals.
What stores calcium ions in the muscle cells : What is involved with producing Energy (such as ATP) for muscle contraction. An organelle in the muscle cell that helps distributes the signal to contract by the interior of the cell.


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