When is the capacity for empathy first observed

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Reference no: EM131092901

1) An individual's life story is influenced by which of the following factors?

a. Physical abilities
b. Socioeconomic status
c. Sexual orientation
d. All of these

2) Which of the following descriptors most accurately reflects the psychosocial approach?

a. Only the biological and psychological systems are necessary to analyze behavior
b. People build relationships that remain in place throughout life
c. Individual longevity is determined by one's social relationships
d. Internal experiences are products that of the interaction of biological, psychological, and societal systems

3) Over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, life expectancy has ____________.

a. Stabilized
b. Decreased
c. Increased
d. Fluctuated

4) Psychosocial theory presents human development as a product of __________.

a. Culmination of human experience calculated in older adulthood
b. The interaction between biological and psychological needs and societal expectations
c. Infantile experiences of the id, ego, and superego
d. Genetic influences on personality development

5) According to psychosocial theory, development occurs as a result of which of the following crises?

a. Reinforcements and punishments
b. Modeling and imitation
c. Interaction between individual needs and societal demands
d. Modification of boundaries as a result of feedback and adaptive self-regulation

6) Psychosocial theory is unconcerned with the effect of culture on the individual.

a. True
b. False

7) According to psychosexual theory, what are the stages of development?

a. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
b. Id, ego, superego
c. Unconscious, preconscious, conscious
d. Reaction formation, projection, and denial

8) According to classical conditioning, events that occur very close together in time come to have ________________ _______________.

a. Different intensity
b. Different meaning
c. Similar intensity
d. Similar meaning

9) Social learning theory emphasizes the process of learning new behaviors by

a. Observing and imitating the behavior of others
b. Being taught by more skillful adults and peers
c. Being reinforced for increasingly close approximations of the desired behavior
d. Developing a cognitive map

10) Involvement in personal relationships and social groups contributes to the formation of

a. Social cognition
b. A cognitive map
c. Cultural continuity
d. Social identity

11) Which of the following statements best describes systems theory?

a. Family systems evolve slowly through psychosocial evolution
b. Family members are interdependent so each member can influence the others
c. Vicarious reinforcement can be used by family members to create equilibrium
d. Role enactment produces role strain that impacts the family's microsystem

12) A significant risk associated with childbearing after age 40 is

a. Down syndrome
b. Abortion
c. Inadequate diet
d. Divorce

13) In the United States, the rate of preterm and low birth weight babies has decreased from the 1980s to 2004.

a. True
b. False

14) Which of the following is the process through which people develop specific, positive, emotional bonds with others?

a. Attachment
b. Social referencing
c. Emotional differentiation
d. Categorization of social objects

15) Which of the following is a characteristic of babies who have an insecure attachment?

a. At home, they cry less than other babies
b. They actively explore the environment when their mothers are present
c. They are more distressed when separated from their mothers
d. They interact with strangers while mothers are present

16) Objects do not cease to exist when they are out of reach or view. This concept is referred to as

a. Scheme
b. Primitive causality
c. Means-end relationship
d. Object permanence

17) The average full-term baby in the United States weighs about 7 to 7.5 pounds and is 20 inches long.

a. True
b. False

18) Among the choices below, which is the most important factor that caregivers contribute for the cognitive growth of their toddler?

a. Nutritious meals
b. Opportunities for verbal interaction
c. Providing for safety
d. Enrollment in childcare

19) Which of the following has been identified as an especially important activity in preparing a child for literacy and for expanding a child's language skills?

a. Drawing with friends
b. Reading silently
c. Watching television
d. Reading aloud

20) Children learn a great deal about how to control anger by

a. Watching their parents when they are angry
b. Having a pet
c. Listening to verbal discussions about anger
d. Interacting with angry peers

21) By the end of toddlerhood, children who have been allowed to experience autonomy should

a. Be hyperactive
b. Have a strong foundation of self-confidence
c. Have strong fears associated with behaving independently
d. Be unusually capable of being able to delay gratification

22) Which term refers to being able to experience the emotion that you perceive someone else is experiencing?

a. Ego ideal
b. Guilt
c. Internalization
d. Empathy

23) When is the capacity for empathy first observed?

a. Infancy
b. Toddlerhood
c. Early school age
d. Middle school age

24) School readiness skills in children ages 3 to 5 indicate that poverty status is not a significant factor.

a. True
b. False

25) How is attachment formation in infancy related to friendship formation?

a. Children who are securely attached do not need friends
b. Children who are anxiously attached make friends readily
c. Children who are securely attached are more popular and more comfortable in social interactions
d. Children who are securely attached look for one best friend with whom to share their feelings

26) Through ____________, children begin to appreciate the logic, order, and predictability of the physical world.

a. Sensorimotor intelligence
b. Concrete operational thinking
c. Preoperational thinking
d. Fantasy play

27) During middle childhood, self-evaluation is strongly influenced by

a. Combinational skills
b. Comparisons with the performance of peers
c. Trust in one's parents as economic providers
d. The ability to maintain emotional control

28) Which of the following is an example of how adolescent girls differ in their emotional responses from adolescent boys? Adolescent girls are

a. More likely than boys to experience strong feelings of anger at others
b. More likely than boys to feel contemptuous of others
c. Less likely than boys to experience restless irritability
d. More likely than boys to experience depression

29) Acts that are illegal for adolescents but not adults, such as truancy and underage drinking, are called

a. Stage offenses
b. Status offenses
c. Problems of immaturity
d. Acting out behavioral offenses

30) Parental loss or parental rejection increases an adolescent's vulnerability to

a. Egocentrism
b. Depression
c. Early onset of puberty
d. Romantic ideas about family formation

Short Answer

31) What are some of the important life decisions you might make during early adulthood that would have an impact on your potential life expectancy?

32) What are some of the factors that make early adolescents vulnerable to experiences of depression? How do males and females differ in their experiences of depression?

Reference no: EM131092901

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