When hiring new employee to work for your software company

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Reference no: EM132176248

1. When hiring a new employee to work for your software company, which of the following is not an acceptable question to ask during the selection process?

A. Do you have any children?

B. Why do you want to work here?

C. Have you ever applied for a job with our company before and been turned down?

D. Do you understand that this company has a no smoking policy?

2. When an employee initiates the decision to leave a company it is called

A.involuntary turnover

B. unplanned leave

C. attrition

D. voluntary turnover

3. While much of the training employers provide is optional, some training is not optional. An example of non-optional training would be

A. safety training

B. company policy training

C. legal compliance training

D. All of the above

4. A company often makes the decision to focus on internal recruitment to send a message to employees that

A. outsiders are not wanted

B. the company values the KSAs and loyalty of current employees

C. fresh ideas are wanted in the company

D. internal applicants are always more productive than external applicants

5. In describing a job to an applicant, the recruiter made sure he talked about both the positive and negative aspects of the job. The recruiter was using a/an

A. old technique to discourage most applicants from wanting the job

B. realistic application technique

C. realistic job preview

D. recruitment value proposition

6. Research has shown that employee referrals are a highly effective way to recruit applicants. What is the main reason a firm would not want to rely solely on employee referrals to source applicants?

A. More than one source should always be used to reach a wider group of potential applicants

B. Employment agencies always vet applicants more thoroughly

C. "Even if the process results in applicants accepting job offers, in the long run they have higher turnover and lower job satisfaction"

D. Relying on employee referrals often limits diversity in a company

7. Ping applied for a job with his employer that would be a promotion. He was upset because he was not selected even though he was qualified. Someone external to the company was hired. Why would a company not promote a qualified internal candidate?

A. The employer wanted Ping to leave

B. The company does not value the KSAs and loyalty of current employees

C. Fresh ideas are wanted in the company

D. Internal candidates are never as productive as external candidates

8. The process of acquiring both tacit and explicit knowledge is

A. learning

B. training

C. socialization

D. development

9. "Ruth's company has begun a round of layoffs and she is concerned about her job, as well as her coworker s jobs. In order to lessen the tension, the company can"

A. cut benefits so that the company saves money and does not need to lay people off

B. explain what they are doing and the criteria involved

C. move quickly so they are stressed for a shorter period of time

D. encourage employees to take vacation days to look for new jobs

10. While there are many advantages to using a promotion-from-within policy at a company, there are also downsides. One downside is

A. greater loyalty that comes with such a policy means employees are less likely to leave

B. the lack of new ideas coming into the company on a regular basis

C. employees understand that the company cares about them

D. the promoted employees already understand the corporate culture

Reference no: EM132176248

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