When does refine edge appear in the options bar

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133243081


1) The Image Processor converts and processes multiple files. Unlike the Batch command, the Image Processor lets you process files without first creating an action. Which of the answers below is something you cannot do in the Image Processor?

Convert a set of files to either JPEG, PSD, or TIFF format; or convert files simultaneously to all three formats.

  • Process a set of camera raw files using the same options
  • Resize images to fit within specified pixel dimensions
  • Embed a color profile or convert a set of files so sRGB and save them as JPEG images for the web
  • Include copyright metadata in the converted images
  • All of the above can be accomplished in Image Processor

2) Found in the Refine Edge & Select Menu, this feature softens the edges of your selections?

  • Contract
  • Glow
  • Feather
  • Softener

3) Smart Radius & Edge Detection are options you'll find in this powerful set of tools made to modify your selections?

  • Transform Selection
  • Quick Mask
  • Refine Edge
  • None of the Above

4) The keyboard shortcut for deselecting your selection is

  • Option + D(PC)Alt + D(Mac)
  • Ctrl + D(PC) Cmd + D(Mac)
  • Ctrl + Z(PC) Cmd + Z(Mac)
  • Ctrl + S (PC) Cmd + S(Mac)

5) Normally, to add a selection, we need to hold down the Shift key on the keyboard to switch the tool to its "Add to Selection" mode by default, indicated by this small icon displayed in the center of the tool's cursor. Which icon below displays to the illustrator that add to the selection is already on?

  • -(minus sign)
  • +(plus sign)
  • #(pound sign)
  • ?(Question Mark

6) When using the Refine Edge options, more specifically in Edge Detection, which tool helps to further refine the edge?

  • Refine Radius tool
  • Define Mask tool
  • Refine Selection tool
  • None of the above

7) There are several Lasso Tools which are used to make irregular selections. Which of the answers below is not a lasso tool, but rather a quick way of "painting" in irregular selections?

  • Magnetic Lasso
  • Quick Mask
  • Polygonal Lasso
  • Lasso Tool

8) When you are through refining your image through the Refined Edge dialog a designer can output the selection to a layer mask?

  • True
  • False

9) Using the Smart Radius option in the Refine Edge dialog can be very helpful on difficult selections.

  • True
  • False

10) When does Refine Edge appear in the Options bar?

  • Refine Edge will only appear in the Options bar when the crop tool is active.
  • Refine Edge always appear in the Options bar
  • Refine Edge will only appear in the Options bar when a Selection tool is active.
  • None of the above

Reference no: EM133243081

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