Reference no: EM13798382
1-When and where did Chernobyl disaster take place?
2-How were local residents evacuated from Chernobyl?
3-What was the radius of people and villages that had to be evacuated from the region?
4-How many people were evacuated from the entire region?
5-Why was the radioactive cloud dangerous? What did it affect?
6-What materials did the Russians first use to fill the hole and stop the fire at reactor number four?
7-What are some of the effects of radioactive poisoning?
8-Why were the miners brought into Chernobyl?
9-Why were the Soviets so adamant about stopping the magma from seeping down under the reactor? What could this possibly contaminate?
10-How many soldiers and officers passed through Chernobyl in the first year? How many civilians?
11-What was the name given to the troops who were brought in to clean up the disaster?
12-What was beber? Why was it dropped from helicopters?
13-Why did they create special hunting squads?
14-What was the ultimate solution to cover the 4th reactor? Who came up with this idea?
15-How did the liquidators protect themselves while removing the graphite from the roof?
16-How many ron-jins did the Soviet government "say" the liquidators who worked on the roof were exposed to?
17-What was the symbolic gesture that the Soviets used after the cleanup effort was over?
18-What was the reward for participating in the roof cleanup?
19-How many refugees from this region have been documented?
20-How did the Soviets manipulate the numbers in terms of the limits to human contamination?