What your trend is and what it means

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760534

Trends in many technologies are speeding up. In particular changes that can make expensive, resource-restricted processes better, easier and cheaper to do are being addressed by analytic methods everywhere.

It has been suggested that many of our decisions will be driven by machine implemented ‘algorithms', the direct result of analytical methods.

Decisions will become closed loop, automatic and direct. This will likely again further influence the status, and need for, the knowledge worker.

For this discussion, each group has been assigned a different example of an imminent trend in the area of analytics. As a group, you should research and discuss the trend, identifying the possible implications for various contexts present in your group. At this week's class session, be prepared to discuss with the class:

What your trend is and what it means

Implications across various organizational contexts

Change strategies for organizing analytical resources to address the trend

Your trend assignments are:

Group 3: The rise and spread of virtual reality (VR). What industries are looking to use this for, and how will analytics be used in VR?

Reference no: EM131760534

Questions Cloud

What is typically the starting point of the master budget : What is typically the starting point of the master budget How does the accuracy of this starting point affect the remaining budgets
Analyze the evolution of your chosen medium : Analyze the evolution of your chosen medium. To do this, show how it has changed over time. Evaluate the significance of your chosen medium.
Compute the balance in the investment in roost account : Assume that Coot uses the cost method of accounting for its investment in Roost. The balance in the Investment in Roost account at December 31, 2007 will be
What balance will allen show in its subsidiary earnings acco : What balance will Allen show in its Subsidiary Earnings account, Complete the table to show the allocation of the fair value
What your trend is and what it means : What your trend is and what it means.Implications across various organizational contexts.
Testing a claim : The mean and the standard deviation obtained from the last module and test the claim that the mean age of all books in the library is greater that 2005
What are the economic growth prospects for africa : What are key indicators of a currency/sovereign debt crisis? Which countries are most vulnerable to a crisis? What are the economic growth prospects for Africa?
Calculate the contribution margin ratio : Calculate variable cost as a percentage of selling price, Calculate the contribution margin ratio
What is a portfolio or electronic portfolio : What is a portfolio or electronic portfolio?How can an electronic portfolio or portfolio be used to showcase your skills and experiences?


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