What your research aims to do

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1332594

Research question and context

You need to describe what your research aims to do, the objectives that need to be meet to get to the final aim, the context and technical background of the work and also why it is important that this work is carried out. The context section should include the following sub-sections;

3.         Problem definition

4.         Global Aim

5.         Objectives detailing plans and controls

6.         Evidence of requirement

7.         General Context description

What are you going to create?

In this section you need to describe the research that you are going to carry out to answer your research question, the product (overall description) and deliverables (detailed itemised description) that you will create and the methods you will use to evaluate the product with respect to the research question. The context section should include the following sub-sections;

8.         Proposed Research methods explaining choices

9.         Brief product description

10.       Deliverables; what will be produced

11.       How will the Outcome/product be evaluated?

Project Plan and Resources

In this section you need to describe the resources you need, the main reference materials you will use and also produce a project plan. The project plan must include two milestone descriptions and an explanation of what you will do if the project does not go as planned. The context section should include the following sub-sections;

12.       Resources

13.       Bibliography; (include at least the 2 key books and other essential resources)

14.       Total Project Plan; including proposed milestones and contingencies showing the time frame of events 

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Reference no: EM1332594

Questions Cloud

Explain how is the united states in the most recent quarter : Explain how is the United States doing in the most recent quarter compared to Japan, the Euro Area and Canada in terms of production and employment.
Calculating beta : Find out the company stock that has at least five years of quarterly return data (60 data points). Find out what the company Beta is by running a regression.
A positive or negative social reputation : Do you think that Walmart a company that has a positive or negative social reputation?
Explaining social networking in knowledge management : Social Networking is one of the hottest topics in knowledge management. Is it knowledge management?
What your research aims to do : You need to describe what your research aims to do, the objectives that need to be meet to get to the final aim, the context and technical background of the work and also why it is important that this work is carried out.
Assume you are a financial advisor to an investor : Assume you are a financial advisor to an investor whose portfolio consists of 400 shares of Delta Cruise Inc. stock and 10 put options on the same stock.
Role of the international court : What is the current role of the International Court? Do you agree with it or not?
Evaluate what impact your proposed services : HRM Consultant Company Pitch - Evaluate what impact your proposed services will have on the organization and its goals and describe how these changes might affect the company's Equal Employment Opportunity
Describe the expected amount of dollars to be paid : Describe the expected amount of dollars to be paid by the Wake Forest Co. for the pesos in one year.


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