What you would plan for alisha developmental progress

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Reference no: EM133316404

Case Study: Alisha is a fifteen-year-old Aboriginal young person currently in residential care. Alisha has been in and out of Kinship, Foster and Residential Care placements from the age of two. Alisha is not placed with her siblings due to sexual abuse allegations and concerns around exploitation from her foster brother. Alisha frequently absconds from her placement, and on one occasion was found out the front of an Aboriginal Service in her underwear (suspected sexual abuse), however Alisha would not disclose any information about what happened. Alisha is due for care and placement plan review and you are a member of the care team responsible for this.

Alisha is on the high-risk register for concerns around adult-male perpetrators, grooming behaviors and sexual exploitation. Alisha often dresses inappropriately, including walking around the residential home in her underwear. Alisha uses substances opportunistically, has a history of fire-lighting, car theft, concealed weapons, suicidal ideation and self-harm. Alisha can be extremely volatile, both verbally and physically, assaulting staff and threatening to kill them regularly. Culture and family have been identified as Alisha's two main triggers.

Alisha suffers from enuresis (involuntary urination) and encopresis (involuntary soiling); however, this is a triggering subject for Alisha and should be approached with caution as to not illicit a shame response. Alisha does not like to engage with new staff at the residential home and if they attempt to engage with her they are often abused or assaulted. Alisha will often appear in a hypervigilant state and staff know to take caution when this response is noted.

When Alisha presents as settled and engaged, she is a deeply caring, funny and witty young person. She has great creative talents and is loyal to her friends, she will often give her loved ones the literal shirt off her back. Once she has formed strong attachments with carers, she is very protective and can often be jealous of other residents.

Question: 1- Describe what you would plan for Alisha's developmental and educational progress in line with her developmental status and needs, within the requirements of your own work role.

Question: 2- Describe how you would implement the plan (1) and how you would ensure your actions reduce the future likelihood of recurring trauma.

Question: 3- List the steps you would take to monitor the progress of Alisha's developmental and educational plan.

Reference no: EM133316404

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