Reference no: EM133782061
Case study
Jemma is a 26-year-old mother of two boys, six months and two years old. She arrived at Julliette's Place (Women's Shelter) around 9pm on Saturday night. She advised the staff that she was leaving her abusive husband of three years. Jemma advised that she met her husband in St. Vincent in the summer of 2007. She advised that she was sponsored by her husband and arrived in Canada in November of 2010. She shared that her husband was not abusive until she arrived in Canada and started to live with him. She stated that initially it was verbal abuse and he would call her names such as, "prostitute and stupid". He then started to become financially and physically abusive as well. She disclosed that he has slapped her in front of the children and at times has refused to let her out of the house. He also told her that the Child Tax Benefit that she receives is for him, as he is the taxpayer. The client advised that she has had to feed her baby sugar water, as the husband spent all of their money. Jemma disclosed a history of abuse in her family and molestation by her father. Jemma expressed embarrassment and shame that her siblings were molested as well. She has never shared what happened to her siblings and her with anyone before. Jemma advised that she does not trust men. Jemma is unaware of Canadian laws and believed her husband when he said she would be deported if she called the police on him or tried to leave him. Jemma has Canadian status.
Question I
Utilizing the Multi-Dimensional Framework, what information has the client provided? Divide the information into the six dimensions, make sure you use all the information that Jemma has given and ensure that the information is in the right dimension. Include two examples per dimension. If there is no information given with respect to a certain dimension, say so.
i. Physical
ii. Psychological
iii. Spiritual
iv. Social
v. Structural
vi. Cultural
Question II
i. Using the Multi-Dimensional Framework, what additional information would you want to know about Jemma and her situation? Include two examples per dimension.
ii. Put some thought into why you would want to know this information.
iii. This is your time to infer, please provide an explanation as to why this would be important to know. Check for underlying biases and assumptions. And if you are wondering/asking questions based on your biases and assumptions, say so. This is what self-reflection is all about, recognizing that we have biases and assumptions and these biases and assumptions will sometimes lead the assessment process.
Question III
i. What do you view as Jemma's strengths in her current circumstances?
Question IV
i. Identify two initial goals (priorities) for Jemma given the information provided thus far.
ii. Identify an intervention associated with each goal.