What you think about this controversial issue

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133519030

Written Assignment 5 will give you an opportunity to practice what you have learned about the cognitive biases all of us have-and how to work through them. First, review this list of Current Events and Controversial Issues from the University of Michigan-Flint. Choose a topic that interests you and that you know something about already. Next, find an article or opinion essay on your topic from a reputable online source. Your task is to find an article or essay that challenges your thinking on the topic in some way because the goal for this assignment is for you to challenge your biases. In a short response essay of approximately 600 to 800 words, explore the biases you have on this issue using the following essay structure as your guide.

What did you already think about this topic before reading the article?

1. Where did you get that information? Tell the story of how you came to think what you think about this controversial issue.

2. How do your experiences align with or disconnect from the point of view presented in the article? What about the article challenged your current beliefs?

3. Finally, try to put yourself into someone else's shoes who might disagree with you on this issue. What might they say about this issue? What points might they make that seem the most reasonable to you, even if you still disagree with them? Don't bring it back to your side. Just summarize what you think the other side might think. In this way, you will be forced to consider that side without feeling an urge to disagree with it.

Reference no: EM133519030

Questions Cloud

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What you think about this controversial issue : Where did you get that information? Tell the story of how you came to think what you think about this controversial issue.
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