Reference no: EM133747962
Kindly resolve this assignment or or answer the question below:
This lab will focus on dietary reference intakes (DRIs) and will introduce you to the food groups, portions, and what you should ideally be aiming for in a healthy diet.?
In Live Lesson we will "demo" how to navigate this assignment through the website. Please review the transcript if unable to attend, as many students find this review helpful.
These are the steps to complete the assignment:
1. Create your own MyPlate Plan using the website.
2. Go to Find Resources and then MyPlate Plan.
3. Fill in your personal information and then click Calculate Food Plan. Next, click on the calorie plan to view it in detail. This exercise will introduce students to the food groups and portions considered in a healthy diet.
4. From this point, develop a 24-hour meal plan that includes portion sizes to meets the recommendations of your MyPlate Plan. This can be completed on your document from Part 1, or typed in a Word Doc/.doc file and also submitted. Submit the file(s).