What you need for the business plan

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Reference no: EM132511531 , Length: 7 pages + 8 ppt

GEN302 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Emirates College of Technology

In this project, you need to answer what matters most to you as you contemplate your future career and personal lives? The entrepreneurial process is at its core concerned with "the pursuit of opportunity without regard to the resources already under control," as Professor Howard Stevenson of Harvard Business School originally said. This process is as applicable to your career as it is to starting a company. The goal of this project is to identify where you want to be and how you will get there. Do not worry about your current resources. Think entrepreneurially. Your personal business plan should include a long-term vision statement, the "external" opportunities that exist, your "internal" (personal) strengths, and a strategy for yourself and your life over the next three to five years. In addition, please share at least one "failure" from your past and what you learned from it in terms of maximizing your potential for the future. The project should summarize as many of the areas below as possible, as well as the one "failure" wherever you feel it best fits. Develop a set of slides to present in class as requested by the instructor.

Consider the following topic areas and questions as you work on your Personal Business Plan:

Vision and Opportunity
• What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave your university?
• What is your purpose, your values and your mission? List the 3 key questions that guide your choices. These should be essential questions that serve as touchstones to direct your life and work. For instance, how can I have impact? What do I love? What do I fear? What engages my passions? How do I want to be remembered? The answers to these questions may well change over time, but when the questions themselves are fundamental they tend to last a lifetime.
• What is the market and opportunity that align with your goals? Don't restrict yourself to matters of career or work; think more broadly about your opportunities to make a difference.

Marketing and Implementation Strategy
• What compelling value will you offer to your employers and society?
• How will you differentiate from other UAE students? How about from the broader populace?

Risks and Mitigation
• What are the key milestones and checkpoints in your plan?
• How will you measure/determine if you have successfully attained these milestones? How do you define success?
• What external factors might affect (positively or adversely) your attaining success?
• Develop contingency and risk mitigation strategies.

Entrepreneurial Ethics, Personal "Board of Directors" and 6-Word Summary
• Entrepreneurship is not all about personal financial gain. It concerns crafting a lifelong plan to make a positive impact on society. Character does matter. Failure is OK; unethical behavior is
not. True wealth requires the creation of enduring value, which requires integrity and ethics. Entrepreneurship and business are not just contact sports subject to their own arcane rules, but an integral part of life that reflect the values of each participant. How do you plan to practice ethical principles in your daily actions?
• If you could assemble any three people to advise and mentor you, who would they be? They may be alive or dead, family or world leaders, friends or strangers. Why would you choose each? Is it their wisdom, their accomplishments, their words, their creativity, their character, their heroic deeds...........?
• Similar to popular "six-word memoir" exercises, please summarize your PBP in 6 words (e.g., "humanist engineer, global citizen, caring teacher").

If you look at the project guidelines, you will find the main points there in the file "Outline of Business Plan". You imagine yourself as an entrepreneur who has to start up an enterprise after graduating from the College. So what you need for the Business plan for your startup.

You need goals, vision and opportunity, market analysis (marketing & implementation strategy), marketing plan, risk analysis, Ethical standards, operations plan and overall schedule. You need to take into your consideration the the project layout and writing in correct English language. References are required at the end of the project

Reference no: EM132511531

Questions Cloud

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What is the cost-minimizing fee combination producing : If the price of corn feed is $2 and the price of soybean feed is $6, what is the cost-minimizing fee combination producing P = 200?
What do mean by humanism : What do mean by Humanism? Explains how The Prince represents a humanist approach to the art of governing, in contrast to the idea of government
What you need for the business plan : What you need for the Business plan for your startup - need to take into your consideration the the project layout and writing in correct English language
What is the cost-minimizing fee combination producing : Suppose pigs (P) can be fed corn-based feed (C) or soybean-based feed (S) such that the production function is P = 2C + 5S. If the price of corn feed
Summarize the research on the impact of temperament : Summarize the research on the impact of temperament on development. This should include how it might shape our interactions with parents, peers, and in the.
What is difference between slope and elasticity : What is difference between Slope and Elasticity?
What role racial unity played in black experience in america : What role has racial unity played in the black experience in America? Does journalist Courtland Milloy have reason to worry about the future of black unity?


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