Reference no: EM132027886
Discussion 1 : Instructional Models
As educators, the guidelines or sets of strategies on which the approaches to teaching are based are called Instructional Models. After reviewing the "Evidence-based models of teaching" document, in two or three sentences, summarize each of the following instructional models:
The Direct Instruction model - Pg. 148-149
Cooperative Learning model - Pg. 154
PBL model - Pg. 156 - 158
Inquiry-Based model - Pg. 159-160
Please use the Guidelines for Summarizing Sources
Guided Response: Consider and respond to the response shared in at least two of your classmates' posts. Provide your reaction to their summarizations and the model they prefer the most. In addition to your two classmate responses, be sure to respond to any questions or comments posted by your instructor.
You can use the Writing a Good Discussion Board Post document to help create your responses.
Discussion 2 : What's Your Favorite?
After summarizing the instructional models in Discussion One, justify which is most appealing to you and why. Be sure to include how the model engages students and how it matches your personal tendencies
(hint: Pg. 166-167 of the "Evidence-based models of teaching" document has a quick overview of all of the four models above).
Guided Response: Consider and respond to the response shared in at least two of your classmates' posts. Provide your reaction to the model they prefer the most. In addition to your two classmate responses, be sure to respond to any questions or comments posted by your instructor.
You can use the Writing a Good Discussion Board Post document to help create your responses.
Journal: Your Legacy
Suppose you are ending your career in teaching and you are planning to retire. Your friends have decided to give you a retirement celebration and they have asked several of your former students to speak at the event.
What those students say will be a reflection of your life's work and will define your legacy.
Given what has been discussed throughout this course, and what you know about yourself and your dedication to teaching and learning, in one or two pages summarize what you predict your students will say at your retirement party?
What will your legacy be?
Journal Guidelines
Your journal must be 1 to 2 double-spaced pages in length.
This is a journal assignment so, APA formatting is not required. It is still suggested that you follow the APA guidelines set down in the APA paper template provided by the Ashford Writing Center. The more you practice APA style the better you are at it.
Final Project: What Would You Do?
Below are links to videos of lessons for each of the five levels of education. Please choose the topic that corresponds with the level of education you are interested in teaching, and select one video from that category.