What you know about your audience based on this approach

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133558556

Question: It seems intimidating to consider your audience when giving a speech, but what if the medium were different? Think about papers that you have written over the years. Or, instead of writing a paper or giving a speech, what if you were writing an advertisement or public service announcement. Where would the advertisement or announcement appear? What channel? During what shows? Or what magazine? Which section? And what would the advertisement or announcement look like? More importantly, WHY would it appear on those channels during those shows or in those sections of those particular magazines? How does the audience relate to the shows and magazines where the information would appear? Once you think about what you know about your audience based on this approach, how do you think you would get and keep the audiences' attention in a speaking situation? What techniques can you use?

Reference no: EM133558556

Questions Cloud

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What are some procedures you should implement to support : What are some procedures you should implement to support an ethical culture? Identify a strategic management skill that you learned or acquired in this course.
What you know about your audience based on this approach : WHY would it appear on those channels during those shows or in those sections of those particular magazines? How does the audience relate to the shows
How would the tone change if you were in the story : What would the theme of the story be if the above changes were made to it? How would the tone change if you were in the story? Evaluate the value of the story
Define the human development index : Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Define the Human Development Index (HDI). Explain if the HDI has an influence on the sale of smartphones in the U.S.
How gaap affect financial reporting : How GAAP affect financial reporting. How accounting objectives, qualitative characteristics, and policies affect financial reporting.
How to navigate an art fair with jerry saltz : details ways that the art market is easily exploited as a financial tool of the wealthy. Choose two of the examples he gives in the essay - explain why each


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