What you know about the historical context

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132221009

RRQ: Imperialism


Answer the following questions related the weekly reading as fully as you can. Please keep direct quotes to a minimum in your responses. I'd like to see your responses in your own words, as the practice demonstrates a deeper understanding of the material. When you do use direct quotes or paraphrase the work of the author, provide the relevant page number(s) in the text.

1. Based on previous lectures and your interpretation of the documents, what various motivations or justifications for imperialism can you identify in the writings from Hobson, Rhodes, Kipling, and Orwell? Provide concrete examples from the reading.

2. What critiques of imperialism do you see in these writings? Provide concrete examples from the reading.

Pick one primary document from the set and answer the following questions about that document.

A. For whom do you think this document was written?

B. List three things that author said that you think are important andwhy they are important, given what you know about the historical context.

C. Does the document conflict or agree with other things you have read in this chapter? This means looking at the other documents and the text and clearly comparing or contrasting your document with them. MAKE SURE YOU SPECIFICALLY CITE OR REFERENCE SOMETHING THAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED IN CLASS OR IN ANOTHER DOCUMENT IN THE SET.

Reference no: EM132221009

Questions Cloud

Identify an issue that you will investigate : Identify a topic from the list below. Each topic identifies an issue that you will investigate over the 11-week term. Throughout this course.
Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change : Conduct a SWOT analysis using this template. Detail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect the organization.
What is interesting or helpful about this view : For the three (3) premises (reasons) that oppose your position on the issue, answer these believing questions suggested by Elbow.
What aspects of it are important to address : For the final writing assignment in this course, you will write a researched argumentative essay. As a first step, you will identify some possible topics.
What you know about the historical context : What critiques of imperialism do you see in these writings? Provide concrete examples from the reading.
How did president harrison describe these atrocities : According to Black Elk, what atrocities took place at Wounded Knee? How did President Harrison describe these atrocities?
What is the central message or thesis of the essays : What is the central message or thesis of the essays by Rivard, Tenner, Moore Howard and Gabriel? What evidence, list at least three examples, do (the authors).
How did the propaganda aim at them directly : What was life like for the children and women of the Third Reich? How did the propaganda aim at them directly?
What the thinkers have to say about the rights of man : Reflect on what Smith had to say as described in The Worldly Philosophers. Consider the question of what Smith was proposing.


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