What you know about meeting adult learners diverse needs

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133547753

Assignment: Instructional Plan Proposal

Produce an instructional plan...as though you are preparing this for a potential employer. Use the following scenario:

You have a job interview for your ideal context and position. The interviewing team has asked that you prepare an instructional plan proposal for the interview. They want to review your understanding of adult learners. Demonstrate what you know about meeting adult learners' diverse needs by creating a proposed plan that details your ideas for teaching them. Describe the kinds of activities and assignments you will have in your classroom and explain why (e.g., cite the literature to explain your approaches and choices in your originally designed instructional plan).

A. Plan includes 6-8 specific activities and assignment ideas with descriptions
B. Plan includes explanations, backed by the literature, for each activity or assignment idea
C. Plan demonstrates knowledge of adult learners.

Reference no: EM133547753

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