What you found valuable and interesting in their nonverbal

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Reference no: EM133587845

Case Study:

1. My brother is age 14, is male, and is part of my family. He uses oculistic or eye engagement with different people in different settings is that he maintains eye contact when he is talking to them. I think he uses non-verbal cues as I observed is because he wants the people he talks to to end up paying attention when he's talking. For example, when he spoke to his friend he wanted them to pay attention to what he was saying which meant that they were to maintain eye contact when they are having a conversation. When he intereacts with strangers he has a different perspective to them in comparison to his friends. He doens't feel comfortable speaking to them so that's why he talks with his friends a lot because he knoews them very well.

2. He uses haptics or touch with different people in different settings by comfortating them if they are having a bad day. I think he uses non-verbal cues as I obeserved is because he wants to let them know that if they are feeling okay. For example, when he spoke to his best friend he was very sad that his family member which were his grandparents had passed away and he felt bad for him so he was cheering him up about it. Then on the same day another friend of his was upset that his pet passed away so he went to check on him to see how he was doing. He had an emotional bond with his friends and not with strangers but matter what bad things happen he will always check on them to see if they are alright. He wanted them to make their pain even stronger so that they won't get defeated or give up in life.

3. He uses paralanguage/vocallics or voice with different people in different settings by speaking up to them. I think he uses non-verbal cues as I observed is because he wants someone to hear them out to what he is saying. For example, when he took the bus and got lost he asked the bus driver about the directions that he ws trying to go. This proves that he wants his voice to be heard in order to ask for help whether it be his friends or family not strangers of course but it depends. Also he told his friend sthat if they speak up then they can receive all the help that they need. Which meant that they can become trustworthy and be responsible if they decide to speak up.

4. He uses chronemic or time with different people in different settings by telling them where to meet up and waht time of the day to do it. I think he uses non-verbal cues as I obeserved is because he wants to be able to have enough time to hang out with his friends. For example, after he had finished his homework on time he told his friends that he has free time and would want to hang out with them at the park. Then he would have a free weekend without no interruptions. He has preferred to hang out with his friends rather than strangers because he knows them really well in comparison to strangers that he does not know. He knows that it works out because his friends will help him move forward into the future and chasing after his career.

Questions: After reading this

1. What you found valuable and interesting in their nonverbal observations.

2. What you found confusing or you didn't understand in their answers concerning nonverbal observations.


Reference no: EM133587845

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