Reference no: EM133334281
Questions: Speculate on what you believe the managerial strategy, (classical, human relations, or high-involvement) may be of the company you are reporting on. Provide rationale for your speculation to justify your answer. Most students will use as their example a former employer.
Review what the 6 structural variables for this company are, based on your knowledge and experience, having worked in this organization. Again, provide why you believe your answers to be what they are.
Provide the 4 contextual variables for this company, based on the Task environment/domain. Numbers like size of organization, can be rough estimates, no need for precision, as the company may not longer even exist to be able to find that information. Generalization, therefore, is acceptable.
Phase 1 Analysis of the current state of the business, specific to
6 contextual variables
4 structural variables
Current Managerial strategy-is a change required, if so to what strategy and why?
Phase 2: Analysis of current problems;
Failure to produce desired behaviour/Production of desired behaviour & undesirable Consequences, Production of reward dissatisfaction
Phase 3: analysis of 4 needs; 1-Organizational Context, 2-People, 3-Constraints,
4-Required behaviour/Membership/Task behaviour and citizenship behaviour
The compensation strategy formulation Process
Step 1: Define required Employee Behaviour
Step 2: Define the role of compensation
Step 3: Determine the Compensation Mix
Step 4: Determine the compensation level
Step 5: Evaluate the proposed strategy